It’s actually very easy to delete the hub when trying to remove a zwave device. This happened a few minutes ago, I almost deleted my hub a second time.
So I wanted to exclude a zwave device (which wasn’t paired), I opened the hub and hit the menu option - staring at me right in the face - REMOVE DEVICE - my brain in a moment of hurry interprets this as click this to remove your zwave device.
For the Hub, that option should be thank renamed to DELETE HUB or REMOVE HUB - the hub needs to be treated as a special case scenario and not just like any other device.
@nayelyz @alissa.dornbos some feedback for the mobile product manager, this is happening to many folks and even to us who’ve been using SmartThings for over a decade now. It’s an easy enough and costly mistake which can be avoided with a slight UI tweak.