Turns out there was a big smartthings update yesterday behind the scenes to change the way the Phillips hue bridge address is recorded. This is probably what people ran into if they had a hue bridge problem in smartthings yesterday. Looks like it should only happen once, but if it doesn’t stay fixed after you rediscover, make sure you let support know. It appears support was not aware of it yesterday when the problems were first reported.
What happen to me couple days ago is my hue bridge is disconnected from my ST hub.
Need to re add again the bridge to make HUE bulb working like it was
How hard do we need to beg to get all these changes reported and announced in a release change log? Preferably before and after the change, please?
@slagle… Thanks?
It might help if you presented yourself to @April, got on your knees, bent down on your hands and touched your head to her toes while you begged. I don’t think kissing her toes would hurt any either.
I’m saying saying it WOULD help… but it might…
Ugh, is that why all of a sudden ST cant control any of my Hues? I guess I will try the re-discover and see if that fixes it. Some documentation of “patch notes” would be great. At least for integration type changes like this.
my Hue bridge bulb status is now not updating at all in SmartThings if The bulb is turned off by echo or via harmony. I left one untouched for over eight hours after echo turned it off, and the ST tile status never changed.
This is a change from last week’s behaviour when it would delay updating, but eventually did.
edited to update
And today SmartThings tile status is updating again, although it can take several minutes.
@juano2310 Just checked the live logging. The following exception comes up in the live logging for the “hue bridge”
> fd9914a3-df05-485c-9ea5-cf7d089ecd8f 9:44:15 AM: error groovy.json.JsonException: Expected a string key on line: 1, column: 2467.
> But got ‘,’ instead. @ line 480
Hi @smart,
Every now and then the parser times out and can’t finish parsing the body. I added some extra code to catch the exception. Thanks for the heads up!
There are some more though as mentioned in another thread… Thanks for your great improvement! Probably related.
fd9914a3-df05-485c-9ea5-cf7d089ecd8f 9:59:16 AM: error groovy.json.JsonException: Lexing failed on line: 1, column: 8141, while reading ‘H’, no possible valid JSON value or punctuation could be recognized. @ line 480
fd9914a3-df05-485c-9ea5-cf7d089ecd8f 9:49:16 AM: error groovy.json.JsonException: Expected a closing curly brace ‘}’ or a comma ‘,’ on line: 1, column: 2391.
But got an unterminated object. @ line 480
fd9914a3-df05-485c-9ea5-cf7d089ecd8f 9:44:15 AM: error groovy.json.JsonException: Expected a string key on line: 1, column: 2467.
But got ‘,’ instead. @ line 480
Yes, all those are in the same place line 480
Two days in a row and 11 bulbs turned on in one shot by a hello home at sunset! You are breaking my heart! nice… Very nice!
PS: code freeze please!
Take a fork of the GitHub repository and tag it as “Working
”, that way you can rollback to this version whenever you wish.