Hue devices stopped updating (March 2025)

Hello everyone, I have found other users with issues similar than mine from 2 - 3 years ago that apparently was fixed by a driver update, but I can’t find a solution.

Until yesterday all my devices where working fine, now all devices connected to the hue bridge, won’t update on smartthings automatically, motion sensors, light etc, I can control the lights and refresh the motion sensors, but they won’t automatically update status ( if the light was turnned on via hue app, if motion was detected etc ) how can I solve this?

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I have the same problem but only with my IKEA blinds (at least I haven’t detected any other device with problems).

Tried with two different zigbee window treatment drivers (smartthings and mariano) but without success.

first thing you can try: reboot your Router, hue bridge and ST hub if you have one.

if that does not resolve the issue, you should provide more details such as which method did you use to connect your hue bridge to ST - cloud to cloud, direct connection, community built Edge driver or Matter. Do you have an ST hub?

you should create a separate thread as your post may get lost in this thread on hue devices.

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Hi @jkp

Thanks! I did it and in my case the situation was resolved after removing the battery, wait a couple of hours and replacing it.

Thank you!