Hub V2 - cannot connect with things app

Hi, I just bought the SmartThings hub (model STH-ETH-250). App from cellphone fails to connect to the hub. So I ping from the cellphone to the hubv2 IP and of course, all look good. So I contact Samsung support as specified on the App. Some clueless guy with an Indian name who can barely read and understand English replies a few hours later asking me to provide him with the model number (which was included in my original message). I reply with the model number (again) and also added the SN. Days later NO reply.
So, useless customer support leaves me with a device that is not working. Frustration frustration frustration.

So, with customer support being non-existent,
where do I get troubleshooting info? How do I make it work?

Also, where do I vent about their useless customer support? I’m seriously pissed with the situation. hahahahaha

Any error messages? Are you selecting New to SmartThings when logging in? I know that sounds unusual but to use your Samsung account with SmartThings, you need to use New to SmartThings to login.

I’m sure that’s very frustrating. :disappointed_relieved:

The cellphone never connects to the hub directly. The cellphone app connects to the Samsung cloud via the Internet, and the cloud communicates with the hub via internet.

If the Internet is not available, the mobile app cannot communicate with the hub even if they are both on the same Wi-Fi. ( technically, there’s no reason why they couldn’t, it’s just not the way Samsung designed it.)

So the first question is, is the Internet available to both devices?

Manual, on-demand control of a device or SmartApp through the SmartThings mobile app always requires an internet connection to the cloud and cannot be performed locally.

There’s no specific error message. Just a generic failed to contact the hub.

The hub LED is green so I assume it has successfully connected to the internet. This happens right after the step I put the six letters welcome code.

I understand why they went down that path (though completely disapprove). Back to the issue at hand, the hub and cellphone have unlimited outbound internet access behind the usual NAT (standard home dsl router setup)

I may be mistaken (I’m not very familiar with the new V3 app), but that looks like the message you get when you’re trying to connect one of the Wi-Fi hubs. The V2 hub model doesn’t have Wi-Fi.

I’m sorry, I don’t remember the exact steps to activate a V2 hub with the V3 app, so somebody else will have to help with that, but I do remember it was confusing. :scream:

( neither version of the app is VoiceOver compatible, so I can’t use them myself.)

Were you following these steps? It’s quite different than adding one of the newer hub models, since those can be automatically discovered with Wi-Fi.

Set up a SmartThings Hub v2 (2015)

In the SmartThings app:

  1. From the Home screen, touch the Plus (+) icon and select Add device
  2. Select SmartThings and touch SmartThings Hub (STH-ETH & Others) under Wi-Fi/Hub
  3. Choose a Location or Add a new Location for the device
  4. Touch the map to set the geolocation
  • Touch the bullseye icon in the top right to use your current location
  • Touch and drag to move the location pin
  • Pinch in or out to adjust the size of the geofence
  1. Touch Next

  2. Choose a Room or Add a new Room for the device

  3. Follow the in-app instructions to connect your Hub, which are reproduced here:

  4. Connect your Hub using the included power and network cables.

  5. Don’t unplug the Hub during the setup process. Setup will take 5-10 minutes to complete.

  6. Touch Next

  7. Enter the 6-character Welcome code that was packaged with the Hub and touch Next

  8. When the Hub is successfully added, tap Done

How did you resolve this? I am having the same issue!

I didn’t. They say to return it to seller. I can’t as I bought it sometime ago. So sick with a useless hardware.

Ok you definitely were given the wrong code because I was using my old one by mistake and had the same error.

I got you the final solution!!!

For me same sth eth 250 v2 hub was not working once trying to connect was saying “network problem… Please try again later”…
I checked my Samsung account and somehow my location was registered to italy… (problably from first Samsung de ice registered) 250 hub its supposed to work in the usa… Check if yours is also registered somewhere else, if so, There is no way to change the country location manually (dont waste same amount of time i did) Just go to Samsung account website, delete your account, create a New one with a different location and thats all you need, go back to your Phone, do all the re - setting of Samsung account, then On any smart things app find your hub.

I found out this when i selected “compatible devices” On my smart things app and there were few of them, then i looked the codes where the compatible devices were sold and that was it. If you need assistance let me know, hopefully you have not trown to garbage the device as it works!!

I face same problem
They clearly stated that SmartThings Hub shall be purchased from your region. If you are buying it from US and planning to use it in Gulf region, for example, it will not work.
The best solution is to find another smart hub that support devices that you have., or buy new SmartThings Hub from the sam region. You can try Xiaomi smart kit, but first check their app for supported devices

same problem here since I updated the app the apps keeps crashing and I can not see or get to the hub part, the screen goes black and the app comes back to the add device screen again.



I really wish you go back to the old app very FRUSTRATING and costly.

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It sounds frustrating :frowning:

Have you tried removing the new app, rebooting your mobile device, adding the ST app back?

I wonder if you have two locations. Click on menu and at the top, look for Home with a pull-down and click on it. See if there is a second Home listed. It would be Home unless you renamed it.

I had the same issue. I ended up logging into my SmartThings account. Look to see if you have two of the exact same My Locations listed. I deleted one of the identical My Locations. Instantly, the app picked up the Hub and all the devices that I had previously setup under previous version of the SmartThings App. Hope this helps. Good luck.

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Device/Gerät: Samsung SmartThings Hub v2, 2015, STH-ETH-250

Problem description: With the latest SmartThings app [> = v1.7.60.23], tested on various Android phones, the hub cannot be re-registered after the reset.

Error message = “No network connection” (or similar). The hub is well configured in the network via DHCP and can be pinged. With the old SmartThings app it worked without any problems. I bought several hubs in the USA, but they are used in Europe (…)

Similar threads »

a) Remove Samsung account from (all) mobile phone
b) Configure the proxy extension in the web browser (e.g. Hotspot Shield Free VPN Proxy)
c) Select “United States” as country and activate proxy
d) Open Samsung website, and …
e) … delete existing Samsung account and / or create a new Samsung account
f) Log into the app with the new account
g) Add device, enter Welcome Code - and? It works!

E.g. – I hate such kind of politics!!

Problembeschreibung: Mit der neusten SmartThings App [>=v1.7.60.23], getestet auf div. Android Phones, kann der Hub nach dem Reset nicht neu registriert werden.

Fehler Meldung = “Keine Netzverbindung” (o.ä.). Der Hub ist via DHCP gut im Netzwerk eingebunden und kann gepingt werden. Mit der alten SmartThings App ging es problemlos. Die Hubs habe ich in der USA gekauft, werden aber in Europa eingesetzt (…)

Thread zum Thema »

a) Samsung Account von Handy entfernen
b) Im Webbrowser Proxy Erweiterung konfigurieren (z.B. Hotspot Shield Free VPN Proxy)
c) Als Land “United States” auswählen und Proxy aktivieren
d) Samsung Webseite öffnen, und …
e) …bestehenden Samsung Account löschen und/oder neuen Samsung Account erstellen
f) Mit neuem Account bei der App anmelden
g) Gerät hinzufügen, Welcome Code eingeben – und? Es geht!

++ Enjoy ++

@Arbustinho – I was inspired by you, THANKS!

I had this issue just now.

My problem appeared to be that the new app was linked to my Samsung account and not my smartthings account. This was important because my hub v2 was linked to my smartthings account (when I logged in to my smartthings account on my laptop I could see that the hub was working fine). I don’t think the app liked me trying to associate the same hub with my Samsung account, hence I got the same error message.

I tried deleting the hub from my smartthings account but this didn’t work - I got an error message. sigh.

So I performed a factory reset of the hub by using these instructions:

After the factory reset had been successful (I had 3 green lights on the front of the hub), I then tried to connect the new app to my hub and it worked! When I checked my smartthings and Samsung accounts, the hub had disappeared from the former and appeared in the latter, and my app could see the hub.

Obviously this solution might not work for everyone but I thought I’d flag it.