Hi. So, two Mondays in a row now, my hub has been starting my morning wake-up automations 10-12 minutes late. When I look at the History, it’s showing the time correctly, just that the automations are starting late. But I don’t know if the app is getting the time from my phone or actually showing what time the hub thinks it is. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening?
Can you post a screenshot of the Routine?
My first thought is to remove the Routine and create a new one.
It would also be interesting to know when/how the hub gets the correct time-of-day from the web. Is it a fixed time (like when it thinks it is 0000 on a Monday morning, for example) or a relative time (“n” hours/minutes from the last boot time or the last time if successfully set/updated its clock). Don’t recall ever hearing how ST hubs handle that…
It’s a bunch of automatic routines. They all have a precondition of Home mode, a trigger of the time, and then control devices, whether it be virtual switches or a bunch of lights.
The strangest thing is that it went back to normal last time on Tuesday. we’ll see if that happens again tomorrow.
And I remembered that it wasn’t last week, it was Jan 29th, and then today, so it skipped a week.
This isn’t an answer to your issue but I used to travel a lot and noticed routines would trigger based on the time zone my phone was in, not my home time zone where the hub was located.
I started using Virtual Calendar device instead of the native ST time condition and haven’t had issues since.
I have noticed that when you take the hub offline , power cut or deliberate power down, for up to 24hrs later (sometimes shorter) the routines run late by roughly the duration of the downtime. So say you had a power outage for 20 mins the routines would run 20 mins late for a while. Usually sorts itself out within 24 hours. I may also happen with firmware updates on the hub, but typically the downtime is very short so I might never have noticed it.
Im currious about this as well. @nayelyz or @AlejandroPadilla would either of you know how the hub gets its time?
Automations ran at the normal time today.
Seems consistent with the Rules scheduling as a countdown in seconds, with a maximum of 24 hours, which is what I have always thought they are doing.
If the delay only happens on Mondays it’s quite rare,
One thing you can try to verify is to check one device and see on the driver logs when the command was sent in case the device is hub-connected or if the device is Cloud Connected verify on his app when the device received the event. In this way, you can identify if the problem is related to SmarThings or is another problem.
If you enable the support access I can see from SmartThings side what is happening but I will need what specific routines are affected.
Enable support access:
- Confirm the email account registered in the forum is the same one you use for SmartThings. If not, please share it with me over DM.
- Enable support access to your account:
- Go to the SmartThings Web (my.smartthings.com)
- Log in to your Samsung Account
- Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
- Toggle on Account Data Access
- Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.
Yeah. It’s not every Monday though. It happened Jan 29th and then again yesterday.
Account data access is on if you could take a look. I don’t know how to look at driver logs. I looked at I looked at History in the app hamburger menu, and it showed them all being late, but I didn’t know if that was showing me the time from my phone or if the hub thought the time was different or whatever.
Thanks let me check it, Could you please share with me the ID or name of the affected routine?
Could it be that your internet disconnects for roughly 10 min the day before without your knowledge? I agree with @Declankh because it has happened to me several times before it fixes itself within 24 hours.
Here are the affected routines:
Home Morning Lights On WD W
Home Sunrise Alarms v Alexa WD
Home Time To Get Your Stuff On WD
Home Weather Alarms v Alexa WD
I think that’s all of them.
@ZephyrEFI Also Could you send the hub log after it happens again?, and Could you enable the support access?, We are interested to see what is happening on the hub.
Support access
- Confirm the email account registered in the forum is the same one you use for SmartThings. If not, please share it with me over DM.
- Enable support access to your account:
- Go to the SmartThings Web (my.smartthings.com)
- Log in to your Samsung Account
- Select Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
- Toggle on Account Data Access
- Select the time period and confirm - In this step, please select “Until turned off”, once the team finishes, we’ll let you know so you can disable it again.
Hub logs
- In the my.smartthings, enter “your hubs”
- Enter the corresponding Hub
- Click on “Dump Hub Logs”
- Change the reason for requesting hub logs if needed
- Click on “Dump Hub Logs”
- Confirm that the request is sumited
Note: If you have more than one Hub, the name of the one involved in the issue.
Im not having this issue. I asked you the question below.
How often it us updated would be useful, as well. Daily? Every ‘n’ hours or something? Thanks for your input, @AlejandroPadilla !
@mlchelp Sorry, I made a mistake when tagging.
@Barkis @mlchelp My understanding about this is that if for some reason, the hub went offline, it is possible that the hub time became desynchronized from cloud-related time. So, when the hub comes back online, it will synchronize with the cloud. Based on the above, when you add the hub and when the hub comes back online, it will get the time.
I’m not sure if there are other times that the hub tries to get the time. I will try to investigate it.
Yes, the email address is the same. And I do have Data Access enabled “until I turn it off”.
I dumped my hub logs with the reason “ATTN: Alejandro Padilla”.
I’m not sure if there are other times that the hub tries to get the time. I will try to investigate it.
Thank you.