Since the numbering is also a bit confusing, I wanted to provide a link to the Open Source license information (and source where required) for the 17.X release series. The artifact for these releases are the 103 ones (the Open Source packages used are the same for all public 17.x releases). The “103” is the build tag we use for the whole image (which is not currently reported to the cloud but meaningless to most of you).
SmartThings FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)
We want to give out a big shoutout to the Rust Language core team, Mozilla, and the many contributors to packages in the Rust language ecosystem. We are making use of Rust for the backbone of our new update client and server as well as a few other pieces of software and are looking to continuing to expand our use of the language over time as makes sense.
If something with the license information or SmartThings open source practice doesn’t seem right, please contact
Side Pitch: @nastevens and I are both maintainers on several projects within the org if you are interested in using Rust to talk to hardware (most of those are focused on embedded Linux).