Hub Firmware Release Notes 08/15/16 (Hub V2) - 15.3

Thanks @posborne

My concern was that my Hue bulbs would not update quickly (5 minutes before). So, in an automation that turned on a bulb with motion, and then was updated on the hub, but shortly turned off after that… ST would think it was still on. Thus when motion was again detected before the 5 minutes, the bulb would not turn on.

Now, it works great!

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What does Hub V1 do?

Do you have any GE bulbs left on your Hue hub? If you do, soon you’ll discover that you hate this change. While this update was much needed, it broke the broken GE bulbs. If you have bulbs listed on Hue as unreachable, they are now pretty much useless in ST world. I have a lot of research to do today to fix the Hue hub so I can get back my Hue automation working in ST. Don’t blame ST here, they really did a nice job on this. It’s a hidden Hue issue that ST integration wasn’t affected before yesterday.

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No, I’ve only got five link bulbs left in use and they are connected to my ST hub. I only have hue bulbs connected to my bridge.

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Lucky you :slight_smile:

I’m glad everyone else is having a positive experience after the update. My devices are not responding to commands at all or are taking over a minute.
I’ve rebooted the hub and it had no effect. Just so I’m clear this is referring to zigbee / z-wave devices.

Oh no, sorry to hear that. Wonder if something went wrong with your install and maybe the update didn’t complete?! I could clearly notice a snappier response time on my end.


It’s Murphy’s Law at its best :grimacing:

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Have you reached out to support yet? I actually had the delays I was experiencing go away. My system was doing the same thing, but ONLY with the zwave… Huge delays for a few days prior to the update

Hey Tim, I assume this is just a summary of most noticeable improvements. Got this from support related to the zwave switch handler, which I didn’t see listed in your announcement:

“The issue should have been fixed with the recent firmware release (v 15.3), but we are verifying the results of the fix before letting users know.”

If this issue was also fixed, it is worth bragging about…

UPDATE: …the zwave handlers are not fixed they still fire on/physical commands on refresh :frowning: @slagle ?

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Yes I opened a request.

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This is a HubV2 Update. It does not affect HubV1.


What are the exact symptoms of the new GE Link problem?

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Even after doing a hard reboot (unplug everything, wait for 20min then reboot), My hub keeps getting disconnected. this is frustrating… everything was working fine before the update…

Date Source Type Name Value User Displayed Text
2016-08-16 9:01:26.532 PM MYT
moments ago HUB hub has disconnected hub has disconnected hub has disconnected
2016-08-16 8:58:30.967 PM MYT
moments ago HUB devicetype:04, mac:001788XXXXXX, networkAddress:C0A8XXXX, deviceAddress:0050, stringCount:04, ssdpPa devicetype:04, mac:0017XXXXXX… devicetype:04, mac:001788XXXXXX, networkAddress:C0A8XXXX, deviceAddress:0050, stringCount:04, ssdpPath:/description.xml, ssdpU…
2016-08-16 8:58:04.464 PM MYT
moments ago HUB ping ping ping
2016-08-16 8:57:01.718 PM MYT
moments ago HUB ping ping ping
2016-08-16 8:56:19.839 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB hubInfo hardwareID:000E, version:9, m… hardwareID:000E, version:9, mac:D0:52, localip:192.168.X.XXX, localSrvPortTCP:39500, localSrvPortUDP:0, zigbeeFWMaj…
2016-08-16 8:56:19.833 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB ENTITY_UPDATE HubUpdated
2016-08-16 8:56:16.126 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB hubInfo hardwareID:000E, version:9, m… hardwareID:000E, version:9, mac:D0:52:A8, localip:192.168.X.XXX, localSrvPortTCP:39500, localSrvPortUDP:0, zigbeeFWMaj…
2016-08-16 8:56:16.122 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB ENTITY_UPDATE HubUpdated
2016-08-16 8:56:15.490 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB hubInfo hardwareID:000E, version:9, m… hardwareID:000E, version:9, mac:D0:52:A8, localip:192.168.X.XXX, localSrvPortTCP:39500, localSrvPortUDP:0, zigbeeFWMaj…
2016-08-16 8:56:15.485 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB ENTITY_UPDATE HubUpdated
2016-08-16 8:56:12.724 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB ping ping ping
2016-08-16 8:56:12.530 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB register register register
2016-08-16 8:56:12.520 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB ENTITY_UPDATE HubUpdated
2016-08-16 8:56:12.475 PM MYT
5 minutes ago HUB activity active

Perhaps I’m asking in the wrong Topic, then, but my question is still valid:

  • Does Hub V1 have any bugs that impede the proper functioning of Hue Bridge connectivity and accurate, speedy, bulb status reporting, please?
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Hi mine is the same. I tweeted support last night and told me to try rebooting the hub, I haven’t had a chance to try yet. Have you tried? Did it make any difference?

From the mobile app status perspective, the unreachable bulbs no longer display the correct status. From automation perspective no action is taken. From my quick research, there is no solution out there to fix this on the Hue hub. From what I can tell by just playing around, I noticed that turning on the bulb in Hue and then cutting the power supply for 15 seconds and back on, the ‘unreachable’ flag goes away, but it seems like is just temporary until you turn off the bulb from Hue app. I am pretty much done with these. I am looking for replacements right now. I will either get Hue bulbs or just dimmable LEDs.

I’m on vacation and dont have access to the hub… Have a heat lamp on timer for our turtle… Hub is now offline and not responding, only noticed because I checked the camera I have set up on his tank…

Is there anything I can do to get the hub “online” without physically being their? Poor turtle will have no heat for the next 5 days otherwise - which isn’t good!

Edit: hubs been offline since “The hub responded 35932.491 seconds ago, on Tue Aug 16 05:28:50 UTC 2016”

Go to the IDE.

Click on “My Hubs.”

Click on something like “List Hub Utilities” about halfway down. I don’t remember the exact wording. This will open the utilities page.

Try the “reboot hub” command. It probably won’t work, but it’s worth a try. ( The problem with this utility is that the hub has to be able to process the request so if the hub is off-line the reboot doesn’t work.)

If that doesn’t work, contact support. They have a phone line now, at least in the US.

Otherwise you may have to have a neighbor come in with an ordinary drugstore timer.

Good luck – – I hope the turtle is OK.

Very big update for me as I could not intergrate my cameras without it causing my hub to freeze. I added my cams back yesterday and so far so good.

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