Hub Connected Devices Now Use Edge Drivers

I have a ton (98) of Z-Wave GE devices. All dimmer, on/off, outlet devices.
All my devices are represented on a SmartTools dashboard (I keep an eye on them constantly)

Recently, (in this very thread), I had a GE Z-Wave Paddle on/off switch for my garage light go “offline”
When I dove into the Smarthing Devices, I noticed this “Z-Wave” device (unlike 27 of my other devices) was no longer marked with a “device network ID” and had a “driver” of “placeholder”. Again, none of my other Z-Wave switches had this driver, only this one.

Unfortunately, I lost access to the switch, so I took the steps of removing and re-adding this switch to the HUB and - as expected these days - it came over with an Edge Driver. I regained access to the switch, added it to my routines, and all was well - except…

GE Switches have an “indicater” LED light. It has always been a bit finicky, but you can manipulate the LED light to do one of three things:
Always off
On when on
On when off

Because most of my light switches are in banks of three or four switches, I prefer “On when On” so you know which switches are actually “on”…


When this GE Z-Wave Paddle Switch moved from Groovy to Edge, I lost the ability to control the “indicator LED”. It is typically an option under “Settings” / “LED Indicator”. The new “Edge” driver does not provide this option. “Settings” in not even a menu option for Edge.

The switch: Enbrighten, GE Model # 46201
The current DTH: “Z Wave Switch” (Generic) - 2022-08-02T20:09:30:783624788

The driver before the switch?
“Z-Wave Switch” - not custom…
Details from Graph API (similar switch)

zw:L type:1001 mfr:0063 prod:4952 model:3036 ver:5.22 zwv:4.54 lib:03 cc:5E,56,86,72,5A,85,59,73,25,27,70,2C,2B,7A role:05 ff:8700 ui:8700

Have you tried @philh30 Edge Driver for GE’s switches?

If you install his driver and if it contains your fingerprints you can easily switch to his driver which has move features than the stock driver.

Installation directions are below.


They are working in adding the indicator light setting to the default ST drivers.


This worked great. Appreciate the suggestion.


I checked the device profile assigned to the device and there’s a setting/preference called ledIndicator with the same options as the DTH:

So, you couldn’t see that option in the ST app? (device details > menu > settings)

Any idea when sonoff Zigbee plugs and multipurpose sensors (Smartthings and Aeotec) will be converted to Edge drivers?

That the S26R2ZB plugs? With the buttons looking like they moved into beta in the last week while I was away, that is all I will have left on a DTH (though my first button tested doesn’t immediately show signs of working). I haven’t seen any sign of them anywhere yet so maybe they haven’t revisited the ZigBee Switch DTH to pick up the later additions.

Mind you, I am having problems with them. They keep dropping offline every few weeks and need power cycling, and often pairing, to bring them back.

Already done.

I would like to suggest that the standard device details for the device that you see in the app include the network ID that we used to see in the IDE. This is helpful information in troubleshooting, and essential information for some tasks such as setting up zwave associations.

I know some community developers are including it as a custom capability, but I’d like to see it as part of the standard presentation for all Zigbee and Zwave devices.

Also, please do not suggest the CLI as an alternative. Many younger people don’t have a pc at home unless they use it for gaming. They just use phones and tablets. if you have to own a laptop to make a lightswitch work, your platform is definitely going in the wrong direction for 2022. :wink:

Globally, 68.1% of all website visits in 2020 came from mobile devices—an increase from 63.3% in 2019.



I use a Pc once a month and hate the damn thing, if i have to use a Pc for Smartthings in the future… i am out.

My understanding was the CLI was a temporary piece of software for devs and that it would morph into a useable mobile app


If only we had a web-based IDE (even local hosted by our hub directly) in which to manage and control ST…


What do you mean by manage and control?
On the page you can still control devices and manage them if it helps.

The alternatives I suggest are for you to know the available options but I still share your comments with the team. You can also contact Customer Support to request features in the app, this provides awareness of the users’ needs which the team can analyze.

I’d like to help in any way I can, sharing what I’ve seen. For example, there are also mobile apps (like this one) that help you make requests to any API. You can get the SmartThings API URLs from the Developer Documentation (API reference).
Here’s an example of a request to list the devices(

Note: This URL is the same endpoint to which the CLI points out using the command smartthings devices -j

After the word “Bearer” (a must-have) for the header “Authorization”, you need to enter a valid Personal Access Token.


None of mine autistically migrated to edge drivers

None of mine have migrated to edge drivers.

I’m using the sonoff S31 Lite Zigbee Smart Plug

  1. See and choose the associated driver and its details.
  2. See route and device detail info for zw and zb.
  3. Watch current logs for devices.

You know, like the IDE.

Mobile apps suck for all these things.

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This can be currently done from the app, but the driver you need must be compatible with the device, this means:

  • It has its fingerprint
  • It has a generic fingerprint according to the clusters (Zigbee) or Command Classes (Z-Wave) supported.

About other things, those comments have been shared with the team, but if you like, you can still mention them to Customer Support.

Please understand: I am just an ordinary user. And, because I am quadriparetic, I use the same screen access tools that a person who is blind uses. It’s useless to give me a page full of numbers and letters because I can’t follow it.

So tools for programmers that require being downloaded onto a PC don’t help.

That stuff is great for power users. But I’m just talking about the ordinary person who bought an Aeotec wallmote at Amazon and is trying to figure out how to get it to work with smartthings.

The product description says it can control 16 different scenes and that it works with SmartThings.

It’s listed on the official “works with smartthings“ page.

So how does an ordinary user make that happen? Without needing a laptop and programming skills. :thinking:


I don’t know about migration. I’ve been using mostly community made Edge drivers from the beginning of the beta stage and multisensor has been available for some time. Check out driver made by @Mariano_Colmenarejo.

I understand, really. Those alternatives are not meant to force you to use something to make your devices work, it should be automatic if they’re supported. I only mentioned you can get the device’s details once installed from the API.
Generally, people that need the developer tools are those that need to migrate custom DTHs that haven’t received maintenance from the original dev.

About your device, if it says it’s compatible, you just need to put it in “pair mode” and hit “scan nearby” in the ST app.
Depending on what’s available (driver or DTH), it will connect to it. If you have issues with the installation, please contact Customer Support. I wish I could help you further but in that regard, they have more permissions than me.


I use those with Mariano_Colmenarejo’s Zigbee Switch Mc.
Should also work with the Zigbee Switch driver from SmartThings if you’ve added that.