Hub Connected Devices Now Use Edge Drivers

I’m checking with the team what might have happened. Can you help me by sending over DM the email account where you have installed that device, please?


Please, when this kind of thing happens, try not to modify the device so the team can get the corresponding logs to check what could’ve happened.
In your case @Cory_Booth, all the corresponding logs cannot be found because you reinstalled the device.

However, the team mentioned that there was no automatic migration done, so it’s not clear what happened in your case.

I’ll be pending in case someone else reports it.

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When will migration to Edge drivers happen; is it already in progress? If I am running a custom DTH on a device, will it migrate to the Edge driver for that device?

I was just about to confidently answer that question when I realised I may not know the answer. A small but increasing number of devices that were fingerprinted for stock device handlers are now fingerprinted for Edge drivers and so will switch over when re-paired for any reason, and the hub beta firmware testers have been borrowed to help test the automation migration progress from stock DTH to stock Edge. I don’t know what happens with devices using stock handlers without fingerprints. There will be certainly be generic fingerprints but I don’t know how effective they will be, especially for those who had to select the device handlers manually. I’ve forgotten, or never knew, what the process will be for getting users off of custom handlers.

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Pretty sure the advice is ask the original developer of a custom DTH to create an Edge version

If this cannot be achieved you can ask a kind developer to create one … there is a request thread somewhere on the forum

If you get 2 strikes though your out of luck and on your own

I thought it might be that, but it seemed a bit inconsistent with past transitions where there has been a reluctance to let users stew in their own juices.

New FAQ indicates that (so far) you have to “re onboard” a device to get it to use an Edge Driver.

I have asked what “re onboard” means in this context, and specifically if you’ll have to rebuild all automations, but no reply was given.

There hasn’t been an announcement about the public migration, so it’s unlikely.
However, those that are part of the Hub’s firmware beta group might receive the auto migration for certain devices (take a look at this announcement).
This file includes the devices involved in this process.

Is that device supported by a stock DTH or you’re using a custom one because it wasn’t accepted before?

Thanks for replying. It’s a custom DTH for an Aeotec multi-sensor 6, which does have a stock DTH. Would you suggest I revert to that for a smoother transition when the time comes for migration?

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I would wait for the official announcement about the migration to know how it will work, but let me verify with the engineering team.

The team mentioned that the official announcement about the migration will include information about this kind of case. Once it comes out, we’ll know if there’s something we need to do to prepare our devices for the auto migration.


Thanks for that clarification.

i have several GE Z-Wave Paddle Switch and it are some as ZWAVE switch and some as switch-binary. last ones (placeholder) have different menus on the app. last ones can not be fix led light indicator. is there a way to change it. they are factory ligth off led on, i want to have ligth off led off.
best regards

You can change the LED setting for most switches and dimmers by a sequence of taps on the switch itself.

The tap sequence is probably dependent on the exact model you have. Consult the manual for your switch model.

The ones I have include this info:

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Now that I logged into my IDE account I have seen that my Aeotec gen5 siren has automatically migrated to the stock Z-Wave Siren edge driver without any problem.

I don’t know when it happened.

I just left it with the stock DTH to see how it would migrate to an edge driver.

What I have seen differently is that in IDE and App it is shown as a device installed in the hub and with the metrics, route and information similar to DTHs, except for the states.

It seems that only the edge drivers in production have that information in the IDE.

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I’m going to guess those are stale values from the device when it was under the DTH. Notice the last update/reset time on the metrics is from the 6th. And the last overall update time is the 7th. The conversion to Edge isn’t clearing or setting those values.

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Yes, it is what it seems to be

Anyone have an issue where a device will not convert to Edge?

I have a Inovelli Dimmer that is covered by the Z-Wave Switch Edge driver, when I change the DH to Z-Wave Switch Secure in the IDE, for some reason this device does not get converted to an Edge driver.

The Inovelli Dimmer is in the fingerprints for the Z-Watch Switch Edge driver.

mfr:031E prod:0001 model:0001

If I understand what you’re asking, you can’t use the IDE to manage Edge Drivers. The IDE is part of the old architecture.

Also, at least until recently, if you had a custom DTH on your account with the same fingerprint the system will choose that in preference to a stock Edge Driver.

So to switch you have to

Remove the device from your account.
Remove the custom DTH from your account.
Re-add the device, and this time it should pick up the edge driver.

See the following for more details:

FAQ: Why does the IDE list “placeholder” for my device? Can I change that?

These steps are required because Edge is still in beta. They have said that they hope eventually to make the cutover automatic, but we aren’t there yet.

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What I was able to do in the past is have a device converted to Edge by switching the driver in the IDE to the generic Z-Wave Switch driver, this worked even if the driver was at one point a custom DTH.

Specifically, I did this with GE Jasco switches that were using a custom DTH, I converted them to the stock Z-Wave Switch driver and almost automatically they were converted over the Edge driver. Now I just need the default Z-Wave Switch driver to add Jasco parameters…coming soon per the Github pull request.

Interesting. Are you enrolled in the firmware Beta? I thought they were the only ones getting the automatic migration at this point.

If you are enrolled in the firmware Beta, you can ask your question there:

Hub Firmware Beta Group, get ready to migrate!