Hub Connected Devices Now Use Edge Drivers

Yes, that’s the link included on the FAQ page, however, to see if a device is supported, you need to take a look at the fingeprints.yml file and see if yours is included. For example, here are the ones for the driver zigbee-button:

There, only the fingerprint of SmartSense/button is uncommented, so, it will be the only one considered.

I did know to look at the.yml file. AND when I looked, I saw the ikea 5 button listed, but did not realize only the devices without the # sign next to them to active. (Aka Samsung Button).

Thanks for sharing that info.


Looks like the Aqara window curtain motors, switch and new T1 button and contact sensor are coming soon to the Edge drivers


there are many PRs opened for different devices , and only official manufacturers were approved. i’ll not hold my breath

the user name looks pretty official for Aqara


Aqara is added to fingerprints


Will there be an edge driver for Samsung windfree aircon? It takes forever for them to load through the cloud through smartthings atm

I doubt it since it currently connects to the cloud and not a SmartThings hub.

Are us SmartThings WiFi users still screwed?
Should I just buy a new hub and go through the pain of re-pairing everything?

I’m considering doing that I don’t have much hope for edge drivers on smartthings wifi anymore

I don’t have as high hopes for Edge drivers as everyone else seems to.

I’ve got the 2015 V2 hub. Pretty sure it was never specced to carry a large load of local processing. We’ll see.

I believe the V2 has MORE memory than the V3, doesn’t it?

But the question is “large load.” Lua is really lightweight, if you’re kept to a limit of 200 devices and 200 routines, it might be ok. Or maybe it will all blow up when you get over 40 devices or so, who knows? We’ll just have to wait and see.


Not only does the V2 hub have more memory, its processor is also faster than that of the V3. The only plus the V3 has over the V2 is wifi connectivity.


Sorry if these appears to be a dumb question, but I’m not up to speed with the shift to Edge drivers.

In IDE, when I see the list of DTH’s in “device”/“edit”/“type”, are these still traditional DTH’s or are they now Edge drivers?

If it doesn’t say “placeholder“ it’s a traditional groovy DTH.

If it says “placeholder“ it’s part of the new architecture. It could be an edge Driver, it could be some kind of cloud to cloud integration, but it’s not a Groovy DTH.


Many thanks JDR for your clear explanation. I’ll await further progress by SmartThings.


Today I had a random GE Z-Wave Paddle Switch convert to “placeholder”
Of 95 devices, it was the only one…

It was originally named “Garage Light” of type “Z-Wave Switch”
It switched to “GE Switch” of type “binary switch” - “placeholder”

I had to remove and readd though because it did not actually control the light, in fact it didn’t do anything at all. When I readded, it came over again as “placeholder” but now the light works.

I run a dashboard and noticed the tile was blank today, so the change happened in the past 24 hours.

I am curious…
Was this part of a migration?
Will we be told when this switch happens?
And given that my switch didn’t work after the change, I think it would be imperative to know when devices might be changing so we can take action to fix critical devices.
I also noticed, that despite this Z-Wave device now (I assume) running Edge, it is still “cloud” hosted.

Devices using Edge drivers will list Cloud in IDE but they are local. IDE is part of the old groovy based architecture. It is going to be phased out at some point. Devices using Edge drivers or cloud-to-cloud integrations that are based on the new architecture don’t properly display all the info. Basically you will only get the Name, type = Placeholder and Execution = Cloud. Some cloud-to-cloud integration may show an extremely long NetworkID. Don’t freak when you start seeing Unknown Route now… it is expected for devices using Edge.

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It’s not.

The IDE is part of the old groovy architecture and it doesn’t get full information on anything that’s marked “placeholder.“ So it will always say they run in the cloud even though they are running local. And there may be other issues as well with the IDE information, but they don’t affect the operation of the device.

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Rebooting the hub may have resolved this issue.

Tagging @nayelyz to comment on your device being migrated to Edge and your other questions.

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