I am new to the Smartthings IDE and want to pair this Zigbee switch to my V2 hub. When i hold down the switch buttons for 10 seconds they start to blink and i see a catchall event like this:
This procedure works for pairing the cube, button, motion sensor, and temp/humidity sensor. I’ve not tried it with switches.
When adding device click “scan nearby”
First hold the button until LED goes off(about 3 seconds). It should flash once quickly. Then press it again. It should flash 3 times indicating it has connected to the hub. Continue pressing the pairing button between double flashes of the LED until the device shows up in the app. It will take a minute or so. If you’ve ever paired a universal tv remote without the code it’s similar to that.
if Hub , could you please send a flagged log, maybe even a video… what is the amount of time between pressing the button and the entries in the log being received
Is there a way to switch the mode on the remote? The h1 double rocker. That is the reason of the slow response to the hub… i want it in the high speed click mode.
I had the issue where the switch just toggles all my lights after pairing and doesn’t show up in Smartthings as a device. Just want to share how I finally got it paired correctly and working.
At the switch, press and hold the right button until the blue led flashes 3 times, and release
Wait until the led flashes once
Press and hold until the led flashes, release, then quickly press and hold again
Repeat step 5, keep holding between flashes until you either see 2 flashes or the switch showing up in the app
If you see 2 flashes and the switch doesn’t show up, repeat 3 to 5
I think it took me about 20 tries to get it to show up in the app, this is the third time I re-paired and it still works. I observed that holding the button between flashes seems to extend the pairing period. Hope this will help anyone having trouble with this switch.
The WRS-R02 I’m referring here is in the driver fingerprint (v22). Button presses, double tap, hold all works once paired successfully. Just that the pairing process is an epic pain.