Help setting up Aqara remote switches H1 double rocker on Smartthings

Hub found a ZigBee thing when I put the Aqara switch into pair mode. I believe Edge drivers are needed but I don’t know how to enable that. @Andreas_Roedl

Delete the device, install the Zigbee Switch MC driver from this channel, and try again:

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That works !! Thanks. I now need to trigger the smart bulbs which are in Alexa. I have linked Alexa to Smartthings but I don’t know how to find the smartbulbs

Sooo many different smart bulbs on the market. What brand/model?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have them connected directly to the SmartThings hub?

It would be ideal but I already have 20 smart bulbs which use BR Mesh so need to find a way to trigger through Alexa when pressing the Aqara button in Smartthings

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Tonight? Are you serious?

Do you have a link to the website of these “BR Mesh” bulbs? How are they connected now if they are Bluetooth devices?

Apologies I wasn’t requesting help this moment. As and when is fine. They connect through their own app on my phone but link to Alexa which is how I control them. They appear as lights in Alexa. They are Bluetooth as you say.

As I said in the other thread: not possible to get them connected to ST. They seem to be - sorry - crap anyway. Replace the bulbs with either Zigbee or even better Matter over Thread bulbs.

You really want to have your devices connected directly to the hub. Too many advantages to list them all.

Thanks for your help

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