How do you control a Nexia thermostat with a SmartThings hub

Glad to hear. I’ll hold you to that beer.

Hi Stephen,
Hmm. I haven’t tried it on the nVidia Shield. I also don’t use auto-mode, just heat and cooling mode. I’ll have to take a look later when I get home… Maybe it’s not a Google Assistant thing, but rather an auto-mode thing.

Thanks for doing this!
I finally read through the whole thread more carefully, changed to your code, and installed the SmartApp.

It’s showing in my Nexia account, and I’m able to change the temp via web browser, and via the Nexia app on Android, and even via Amazon Alexa on Echo Dot.

However, my Tstat is still not showing up in SmartThings (i.e. the SmartApp is not creating a child device).

Any ideas to try?

So, in plain english for a guy who has never written a code or understands a code? How do I make my Trane thermostat work with my ST hub?

Fortunately, you don’t need to know how to ‘code’

What you DO need to understand is the concept of a smartapp and a custom device handler and how to install and maintain one. For that, read this first:

Now that you understand how Smartapps work, the Nexia thermostat integration is a smartapp you have to install that allows your SmartThings instance to talk to your Nexia Account which is where you manage your American Standard / Trane Thermostat. The current version is at:

So use the instructions in the first link to install the code from the second link into your SmartThings account and rock and roll…

Sound good?


Thanks for your help. I have successfully installed the app. However, I cancelled my nexia account. The reason I got the ST is to save the $10 per month.

Do I need to have an active nexia account for this to work?

You need an active nexia account for this to work.
If you just have the thermostat, and no other smart devices controlled, the nexia account should be free

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Thanks. I reactivated to the free version of my nexia account. I have the app in Smart things. Now I just have to figure out how to add the thermostat to list of thermostats.

Are you still using the original device handler from trentfoley? Thanks

I’m using the modified version from @edk208 now…

i believe edk208 is still using the trentfoley original one.

In any case, I used both the app and device handler from edk208’s repo for my American Standard 1050 Thermostat (same as the trane version) and it’s seems to be working just dandy at this moment. Let’s see if Alexa and Logitech Harmony picks up the device

On a side note, what’s the purpose of the “Set for specific modes(s)” does it mean the tstat only works on the modes i check? cause i checked them all just in case.

No clue on ‘set for specific modes’ Same setting here. You’re safe on that.

AFAIK, @edk208 was working on a method to automatically identify and handle a specific item in the Nexia login page that kept changing and breaking login. Trent may have ultimately pulled that change back into his copy. Unsure.

Yes Alexa sees the device as a Smartthings thermostat and handles it correctly. UNLIKE the native Nexia skill at the moment. I had both showing in my Alexa devices(under different names) as late as last Saturday and I finally uninstalled the Nexia skill because that one wasn’t working after some of the recent changes to Alex’s smart home capabilities. I’m sure that will change again sometime, but until then the pass through from Smartthings to Alexa is working fine. And as an aside, it’s also working fine with AskAlexa…

Good luck

How exactly do I use this? I’ve got it published in My SmartApps and I registered it in the app in Marketplace > My Apps and filled in my Nexia details. I’m not sure what I need to do next. When I try to Add a Thing it doesn’t find my thermostats, and when I try to add a device manually I don’t see any new options for Nexia.


If it’s working properly, there is no need to ‘add a device’ the smart app will autocratic child devices for the thermostats in tour Nexia account if it can login properly.

Do this:
Open a browser window and load up the Smartthings IDE
Go to the log
On your mobile device, delete then re-did your Nexia credentials and save (which should cause the smart app to reinitialize)
Check the log in your browser and see if there are any errors listed.

Thanks for this Nathan. The problem was the device handler wasn’t installed correctly. It appears to be working now for both my zones!

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@nathancu @trentfoley Need some help. Wondering if anyone else is seeing this issue? I am only able to set my thermostat’s heating temperature when using the actual device ‘Thermostat’ under Things. If I try to set the temperature using a Routine under Automations, like changing the heat temp when I leave the house, it does not set. It shows the temperature being changed initially but if I refresh the device, ‘Thermostat’ under Things, I see the heat setting going back to its original setting. This is confirmed by going into the Nexia app and looking at the thermostat as well as looking at the actual thermostat on the wall. I am not seeing this behavior in the cooling setting and it works perfectly. Just seems to be affecting the heat temp setting. I am using a Trane XL824 thermostat.

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Will try to repro first thing in the AM.

Thanks, @nathancu. Further investigation finds that the device always resets heat temp to 70, overriding what is set in the routine.

I can’t repro this… Do you have any logs available from the IDE when you do this?

This is what I have. I the below example I set the heat to 72 on the thermostat. I then went to ST and created an automation which set the thermostat at 75. I ran the automation and then looked at the thermostat on the wall and it changed to 68. I don’t see anything in the log that looks like an error so I am a bit baffled.

b411a220-fed6-4568-939c-05819df6c0e2 8:11:43 AM: trace getPhrases(), state.welcomeIssue = null
db4e0958-8228-455a-ad0b-4eb96eba773b 8:11:41 AM: info HH execute(true, null, null), newMode: null
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:42 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:updateZone(82656471, setpoints), displayed:false]
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:42 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:Thermostat Params: [uri:, path:/houses/703409/xxl_thermostats, headers:[Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,/;q=0.8, Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, Accept-Language:en-US,en,q=0.8, Cache-Control:max-age=0, Connection:keep-alive, User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36, Cookie:locale=BAhJIgplbl9VUwY6BkVU–0edc07296637979ba240be07fd3ca03ebc5988b2; _SchlagePortal_session=S2VPZDF1UlZUS2ZONm81aTBNSEhCVE1GYlNOay9vaFJNQVVMS2dWSjlHRTk5NVA3a2Z2QUpwRWlnbjlFYUY5ZkJQQkN5WE1EenhZeXRTd25kRFV6L24wY3lkNktjazVDaWlSM3lINCs2TTJtb2tlTHd5R3lSM2RYS0FXRUwrVEdwZmVsakxhUE84SDB2ckliN0NvOEhHcllsOURaOTQvRzJRLy9Bakl0d3dzTjg1ajVpWmVOWHA3ekp0d2Z0eE1nM0Q3TmFrV1VuaXJ3LzlCNW9rb0hWTnlRN3BTbTFCT0FLS0ZoUzdvWjFJeXhwdklkVEhWR1pvbzQ0QzEvMnl4QS0tM3BqVGdkT3R0T29rL3NOZ3BGdFgvQT09–da72b4550f71817cb8411f70d2991b7b2a6520ac]], displayed:false]
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:42 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:Requesting 85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1.1057573, displayed:false]
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:42 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:requestThermostats(/houses/703409/xxl_thermostats), displayed:false]
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:42 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:setCoolingSetpoint(85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1.1057573, 70), displayed:false]
5efae83d-df3c-4cfc-83a5-2ef4a5a716fe 8:11:42 AM: debug setCoolingSetpoint(70)
6d63390b-5a3c-4fbd-99f9-be2bf45ed800 8:11:42 AM: info postEventToEndpoint: event successfully posted.
6d63390b-5a3c-4fbd-99f9-be2bf45ed800 8:11:42 AM: debug Property Change Event coolingSetpoint: 70 (source: DEVICE)
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:41 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:requestThermostats(/houses/703409/xxl_thermostats), displayed:false]
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:41 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:Requesting 85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1.1057573, displayed:false]
85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1 8:11:41 AM: debug [name:debug, descriptionText:setHeatingSetpoint(85230f2b-dadc-4217-96ab-b657fd2140d1.1057573, 75), displayed:false]
5efae83d-df3c-4cfc-83a5-2ef4a5a716fe 8:11:41 AM: debug setHeatingSetpoint(75)
6d63390b-5a3c-4fbd-99f9-be2bf45ed800 8:11:42 AM: info postEventToEndpoint: event successfully posted.
6d63390b-5a3c-4fbd-99f9-be2bf45ed800 8:11:41 AM: debug Property Change Event heatingSetpoint: 75 (source: DEVICE)