Home Assistant controlling cloud integrated SmartThings appliances

I have my Samsung washer integrated into Home Assistant using the official SmartThings integration.
This is what I can see in Home Assistant:

Reading all the sensors works ok and their values are updated correctly.
The only control available (Vaskemaskin means Washer in my language) does nothing. Swithing this on/off does nothing. I cannot start or stop the washer from Home Assistant as there is no entity available for this purpose (?)
If I use the Andrid SmartThings App, I can do every possible remote control of the washer.
Why is it that none of these controls are available in Home Assistant through the integration?

(I did try to reach the Integration maintainer on GIT-Hub, but it seems he hasn’t been activiely maintaining this integration for years.)

The answer is in this post:


All the Samsung integrated devices are a hot mess. See my comment below that post as well.


I know how you feel about this, I have a robotvacuum, a fridge and a washer (and a non-smart dryer). BUT I haven’t tried to integrate into Home Assistant due to that mess and outstanding issues in the integration like this, which are years old

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Thank you for answering.
I there any way to get in touch with the maintainer of the ST Integration for HA? It would at least be valuable to get his confirmation that he has indeed abandoned his work. Then we can adjust our expectations accordingly - and perhaps begin to search for a new maintainer ?
Home Assistant is flying high on their extensive list of Integrations, but most of these integrations are the result of individuals enthustiastically doing reverse engineering of undocumented API’s.
Then, after a while, their enthusiasm evaporates, and further development comes to a halt.
But still, HA website promotes these integrations to the full.

As I remember the developer is one of the SmartThings developers, but @Automated_House can tell it exactly, is he still working for SmartThings.

The integration is full regarding what the SmartThings API offers. The issue in your case is how the SmartThings API handles these OCF devices.
It would be better if someone would develop an OCF integration, but I believe it has a really strong limitation in the standard which is security. Only with the right keys you are allowed to control the devices or get specific information of it. And those keys are at manufacturer level only.

Here is the documentation of OCF what those Samsung devices are using:

I believe it is device2cloud, and then cloud2cloud as it mashed into the SmartThings API’s format, which obviously was not designed for it.

Meanwhile Samsung is the leader of Openconnectivity.org and develops both OCF standard and the SmartThings API. Basically the left hand doesn’t know what the right one does. So the end result is like when you have a square shaped body what you are trying to push through a circle shaped hole. You need to force it.

Just as an example this is part of the Dishwasher Operating State capability:

"dishwasherJobState": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "value": { "title": "DishwasherJobState", "type": "string", "enum": [ "airwash", "cooling", "drying", "finish", "preDrain", "prewash", "rinse", "spin", "unknown", "wash", "wrinklePrevent" ] } },

I repeat it once again, DISHWASHER! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Of course, it is a proposed capability. For years…