Aqara window/door sensor detected as a Switch in Smartthings

Hi everybody, I added six Aqara window/door sensors to my SmartThings network, but noticed they were added as Switches that are On/Off instead of Sensors that are Open/Closed. It didn’t bother me until I set the security mode to Armed. Since they aren’t sensors they don’t trip the alarm. And of course clicking the On button for these “switches” doesn’t do anything.

I tried deleting them and adding them in as Aqara Window/Door Sensors but it either doesn’t ever detect them, or it adds them as Switches again.

How can I add them as Sensors and not Switches?



Hi @Kevin_Crandell

I don’t know what exact model your sensors will be, but in my zigbee contact Mc driver there is an Aqara model that uses the on/off cluster (0006).

Install it on your hub from my channel and try pairing it.



Install Zigbee Contact Mc driver in your hub.

Uninstall device and install again

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You don’t need to uninstall a device, the driver switch works fine.


Aaah ok, I found and installed the correct driver and was able to swap it into the six sensors. Now I’ll give them a try.

Thanks for your help! I wasn’t even aware of these drivers till today. I’m a Software Engineer and would love to get into writing some of these!

Have a great weekend!


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You’re right. Once I installed the correct driver I was able to just swap it out! I didn’t even know about the Advanced section of the SmartThings web portal till today. That’s pretty awesome!

Have a great weekend!


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It all works now! :smiley: Now when the security is armed it alerts me when a window is opened!

Thanks again for your awesome driver!



I’m glad it worked well.

I didn’t answer last night, I went to sleep :zzz:

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Sounds like you might find the following community FAQ helpful, particularly the second section for power users. :thinking:

FAQ: I have no idea what Edge is. Is that a new developer tool? (2022)

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Awesome! Thank you so much for your time!


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