I have Smartthings and currently using Honeywell Lyric smart thermostat which integrates nicely. I am looking for some TRVs that will natively integrate with ST, preferably without having to buy some other sort of hub to manage, but seems slim pickings.
I am also interested in a TRV to work with ST “out of the box”. From my research seems interesting the Danfoss Ally (Zigbee). But I could not find a proper European buying channel. I prefer Zigbee as I don’t have any Z-Wave device and I am not sure whether I would need a Z-wave repeater, given the spread of my radiators. I am in Romania, by the way. Any experiences with Ally? O course, other recommendations are welcomed. But please consider I am just a user, so advanced “Groovy” or Webcore is not for me.
Will give that a god - currently using the default Z-Wave Radiator Thermostat DH and also tried the DHs that come up in the community search pages but they don’t work.
I have a Danfoss/Popp Popp POPE010101 Z-Wave Radiator Thermostat which I have managed to add to my ST Hub. This lets me see the current radiator temperature and has heating controls. When I update the desired temperature in the ST app, this sends to the TRV, and updates the display, but the actuator isn’t getting controlled.