Having trouble with one option in Automation (Google Home and routines?)

In The SmartThings app under automation I have checkmarked which lights I would like to turn on and turn off under the Good Morning and Good Night routines. Made sure I tapped Done/save where I am supposed to. I’m even greeted with a congratulation you have added lights bla bla blaa…:grin:

The lights don’t turn on/off, though. I must have missed something but I don’t know what.
I did change which news source successfully before.

I tried rebooting the Google Home and the SmartThings hub without luck.

I do have a combination of G.E. and Cree Bulbs if that makes a difference. It’s probably still a PIBKAC with my luck. :relaxed:

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Sorry, I’m talking about the voice command to Google Home. I’ll say Good Morning and the GH will tell me time, temp, weather, etc. All the items in the Good Morning list of routines. Not the lights though.


At the present time, echo can run a SmartThings routine. Google home cannot. (You can set up a virtual switch to trigger a routine, but there’s no direct way to run a routine.)

The “OK Google, good morning” is triggering a built-in function of Google Home which has nothing to do with SmartThings. It’s called the daily briefing.

Smartthings will allow you to create a SmartThings routine called “good morning” but Google Home doesn’t know that it exists. That’s why saying good morning to google home is not doing any of the things in your good morning smartthings routine.

You can change a few of the things that Google Home will say by using the “my day” settings. But again, nothing to do with SmartThings.

You could ask in the Google home thread, but I don’t think there is a way at the present to combine the daily briefing with smart home actions.

As far as setting up a virtual switch so that you can run your routine from Google home, see the following. It’s the way we used to have to do it with Alexa. It’s the same process for Google home.

Okay, thanks, everybody!
It makes sense to me that a “good morning” voice commands are two separate things. Saying Good Morning to my GH is a different set of automations to the SmartThings Hub.

Strange that I didn’t rename the “my day” routines for the GH. Thanks, I’m going to check out that link. If all else fails there is always IFTTT.

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