I’ve been considering getting a harmony hub but wanted to know if i needed the remote control too or if it will function with just the hub? I also would like to confirm it has an IR blaster that could be set to turn on my aircon, tv, the set top box to a specif channel, etc. I’ve heard all these functions are possible, just I dont want to fork out for the remote control but the hub seems affordable.
Yes you can use the hub by itself with your smart phone. The hub itself is an IR blaster and usually comes with 1 or 2 mini blasters in case you have it in a cabinet or something. I have one works pretty well, getting another for the bedroom now
Its possible but I would still get the remote. I thought I would use the App on the phone, but the remote is just so much easier. I even bought a dedicated tablet for my living room and set it up for ST/Harmony and I still just use the remote. I would not get the touch screen one, just the basic.
You can get the home hub with remote for $80 on Amazon.