GE Z-Wave Wireless Lighting Control Duplex Receptacle $13.75

Just saw this and picked up a couple:

That was quick 13 mins and deal is expired. :frowning:

I managed to get 2 of them. But, that was all that I needed currently.

Dang it… wish I’d seen it in time. I’d have picked up a bunch of 'em. That’s simply a fantastic price.

I managed to order a handful this morning. I went to post in this forum as an FYI but by the time I pasted the link to post the Amazon $13.74 listing switched from “in stock” to “usually ships in 3 to 5 weeks” or something like that.

Guessing it was an errant one.

Well nothing from Amazon looking to take the order back at that price yet.

Mine shipped a few hours ago with “guaranteed” delivery tomorrow (Prime). $13.74 is nuts cheap with shipping included. Too bad I still had to pay tax though!

Amazon is pretty good about that. In fact, they are pretty good about everything. I wish everyone could learn from their credo that it is far more valuable to take the hit on some things as opposed to alienating the customer.

I agree with you there. I just got the email today that told me that the order was shipped. So, I managed to squeak in an order. Amazon is so cool.