IAS means Intruder Alert System. It is just a device class definition for Zigbee: almost all motion sensors, for example, identify themselves as IAS devices whether they are used for security or lighting control.
IAS has a whole list of “clusters,” which is the Zigbee term for the physical format of its messages. For example, a Zigbee contact sensor used with SmartThings would use specific IAS clusters to join the network, report battery level, report the sensor open, and report the sensor closed.
In this sense, of course SmartThings “supports IAS.” Many of the smartthings-branded devices were IAS devices. And the hub is a certified Zigbee 3.0 coordinator, which requires that it support a minimum set of IAS clusters.
But that’s like asking if a hotel restaurant has a bakery. It tells you something, but not enough. It means they probably bake their own bread. They probably do simple birthday cakes. It doesn’t tell you whether they do wedding cakes or doughnuts or tortillas, which are all specialty items.
In this case, SmartThings supports the basic functions of most individual IAS devices.
But what you want is group triggering. I don’t know exactly how frient does that, it might be through Zigbee groups, it might be through zigbee scenes. But either of those move us into wedding cake territory, and The last time I checked they are not functionality which was supported on the smartthings platform.
The following is from Tizen documentation, but it happens to have a really good basic definition of the IAS zone clusters for Zigbee. So don’t go clicking around in this document or you might get confused. I just want to give you this one page. And specifically I want you to notice that none of the commands on this page would cause one smoke alarm to trigger another, or let you treat them as a group.
So…does SmartThings “support IAS?” Sure, in the sense that you can add an individual sensor to a SmartThings setup and you should be able to write an automation that will respond to that sensor’s alarm one and alarm two (as defined in the IAS specifications).
But that doesn’t solve your use case of wanting one smoke sensor to trigger another.
I know this stuff is really technical, but that’s why I suggested that you focus your questions on the use case, not on the technical aspects.
It’s yes to the first question. The second question is kind of meaningless in this context, but I don’t want to go into all the details of why. It’s yes to the third question, but you have to define “used with.“ Can you take a single Frient smoke sensor, add it to a smartthings hub, and then recognize that it has sent out an alarm? Probably yes, although I don’t know if it would require custom code or if there’s anything else proprietary or tricky about it. But you can’t get one to trigger another, which is what you said you wanted to do. So bakery yes, wedding cake no.
If you want to get technical you can ask Frient what the fingerprint of its devices are, that is what specific clusters it advertises itself as supporting when it joins a network, then that would tell us more. But just being an IAS zone device doesn’t tell us much in this context.