UK Building Regs Smart Smoke & Heat Alarms?

I can’t find any smart smoke alarms and heat alarms that are mains wire-able ? Therefore none seem compatible with UK building regs requiring a hardwired system ?

Seems mad that Scotland seems to have approved wireless systems for HMOs but England/UK regs about 20 years behind the technology!

Any solution to this ?

Heatit makes one:

And the manufacturer has been providing edge Drivers for some of their devices, but I don’t know if they’ve done one for that specific device. You should ask in their thread:

[Edge] Heatit Controls Official Edge Driver [v2.2.0]

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Our Z-Smoke does not support a hardwired alarm loops between devices. They do, however, support 230V mains wiring to power the device and wireless associations which will synchronise the alarm outputs.


OK thank you.
Is there a compatible heatit heat alarm, as I need two smokes and one heat to be interconnected.

(Smoke looks good but very expensive at £147)

We do not have a heat alarm which triggers the sirens based on heat, the Z-Smokes do report temperature, but only as a sensor (and thereby trigger interconnected alarms).

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OK thanks, I have to have a heat alarm in the kitchen to avoid cooking setting a smoke alarm off.

I use a Frient heat detector which is battery powered, appreciate you needed hard wired but thought i would put it out there

Also ST Home monitor does not allow for heat detector integration, there are reliable ways around the issue with a virtual smoke alarm but again just putting out there incase interested

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I am still pondering over this issue.

Is there any reason I couldn’t use another manufacturers heat alarm (e.g frient, heineman etc) and then have Smartthings sound the sirens on heatit smoke alarms in response to the heat alarm activating ?

Is there no-one else doing new build or extensions facing the same problem of building regs in England requiring mains powered devices, but there being almost none available with smart capability ?

Seems mad to me as getting phone notifications that your house is on fire would seem an essential function these days.

Did you get any further with this?
As facing some situation after new kitchen fitted, and really want it to be ST compatible

No not yet , but still want to.
Unfortunately our build has been stuck with no progress for months due to shitty builder problems.
There seem to be more interconnecting smokes around now and surely at some point building regs must move into the 21st century.
Frient do a heat alarm, Smart Home Simplified (
Do post with any progress or info etc please.

I was told it needed to be mains powered and the frient one wasn’t from what I could see from last night.
For now I’ve gone with fireangel and will review if any ST compatible ones out of box come about.

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