[UPDATE] - Dedicated thread for my device handler is here.
Done! After battling with some annoying bugs in both the SmartThings API and the Fibaro firmware, I am pleased to announce the first release of my own ‘advanced’ Fibaro RGBW device handler. Key features are:
Physical device parameters can be edited from the SmartThings GUI, and verified in the IDE Log.
Support for using the channels in a mixture of IN/OUT modes (i.e. support for analog input sensors)!
No more glitches (as sending commands and receiving reports is done properly!)
“Energy Meter”, “Power Meter”, and “Polling” capabilities fully implemented.
Level attributes and sliders now have a have range of 0-100%, instead of 0-99%.
Channels can be mapped to different colours without needing to physically rewire the device.
Improved compliance with the ‘Color Control’ capability definition, as discussed here.
[Update] You can now edit the Association Group members from the GUI too.
The code, instructions, and examples can all be found here: