Fibaro Motion Sensor problem

Hi everyone!

I am a proud owner of an Samsung smart things hub. So far everything has worked just fine, bit when I try to add Fibaro Motion sensors (not z.wave plus) I only get the motion to work. No reading och temp, lux or anything else but the motion.
Any ideas what could be wrong?

I live i Sweden but the hub is from UK.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Nick,

The issue is that the standard DTH does not use the full features available.

Please install [RELEASE] Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 (ver. 3.2) (Advanced DTH)

Once done, please change the device type manually from IDE.

I have 4 of these sensors and they work great.


Hi! I will try it and get back to you! Best Regards Niclas
via Newton Mail
On Sun, Sep 03, 2017 at 11:17pm, vikas <
[] > wrote: vikas
September 3

Hi Nick,

The issue is that the standard DTH does not use the full features

Please install [RELEASE] Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 (ver. 3.2) (Advanced DTH)
[[RELEASE] Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 (ver. 3.2) (Advanced DTH)]

Once done, please change the device type manually from IDE.

I have 4 of these sensors and they work great.


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[Fibaro Motion Sensor problem]
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Hi again,
How to do: " change the device type manually from IDE" Regards Niclas

via Newton Mail
On Sun, Sep 03, 2017 at 11:23pm, < [] > wrote: Hi! I will try it
and get back to you! Best Regards Niclas
via Newton Mail
On Sun, Sep 03, 2017 at 11:17pm, vikas <
[] > wrote: vikas
September 3

Hi Nick,

The issue is that the standard DTH does not use the full features

Please install [RELEASE] Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 (ver. 3.2) (Advanced DTH)
[[RELEASE] Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5 (ver. 3.2) (Advanced DTH)]

Once done, please change the device type manually from IDE.

I have 4 of these sensors and they work great.


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[Fibaro Motion Sensor problem]
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  1. Please login to IDE for your region. Mine is in the UK.

  2. Goto My Devices and click on your motion sensor name

  3. Scroll to bottom on click on “Edit”

  4. Change the Type to “Fibaro Motion Sensor ZW5” which would be at the end of the list.

Ok i Will try tonight



Hi! I cant get it to work, If I use the setting Fibaro motion sensor zw5 it stops working, even the motion stops working.
If I use the standard Fibaro Motion sensor I can get motion to work, an I also get Vibration reading, but no other readings.
Regards Nick

via Newton Mail []
On Mon, Sep 04, 2017 at 12:53pm, Niclas Mantinieks < [] > wrote:Ok i Will try tonight



Can you try to wake up the device by pressing the wake button and see if that works?

If not, try reset and removing the sensor and adding it again. Refer to fibaro manual on how to do so. When you add again, ideally it would pick up the new dth.

Wich setting shoud I use? i have the standard version, not Zwave plus.

Hi Nick,

Do you mean you dont have the Fibaro Gen5 ZW5 motion sensor?

The standard setting in the device type handler that you installed work fine.

No, I do not have the Gen5 sensor, I have the first generation.

Hi again!
New strange problem, suddenly the temp, battery and lux metering is working but the motion does not react.

Strange… any ideas?

Move it closer to the hub and try pushing the wake button once. Maybe its a range issue.

I will try, but they are about 1m from the bub from the start… It must be something else.

Still not working, maybe there are to old?