Feedback On This Forum

I’d really like to see this fixed as there currently isn’t a logical place to discuss custom “device types”, it kind of falls under my other mention of it here:

If you try to “edit” your post and it isn’t much “different” I get a “your message body is too similar” error.

I was trying to clean up some tabs in my code in an earlier post in another thread. This error I’d think should only occur on new posts, not edits.

Weird. That may be a user level issue. I am bumping you up.

Old thread, but I wanted to say that I really like this forum software, its some of the best I have used.

I’m gonna guess you don’t do much in the way of searching.

I was under the impression they have improved the way search works, @scottinpollock

What are some of the biggest search failings for you? They removed the search in page stuff that took over CMD + F, they added in a each this topic option (since not everything loads by default)

Hey @Ben,

It has improved, but still seems to be missing OR, NOT, STRING, and date range. It’s ok for finding related posts, but not so good finding a specific one.

Quick note from a new user . . . I think this is an outstanding implementation of a forum/community site. Well done.

A native mobile app would be a nice addition (for example, forums that use tapatalk can interact via the tapatalk app)

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More community member moderation. I think it’s time we try letting the community self-moderate and see how it goes.

They already can - it just is for users at a certain “level”. I thin the system is working well. I haven’t been inundated with many moderation requests.

A Tapatalk plugin would be great, but I just don’t see that happening.

I just tried. . . . seems like the site is very responsive to different screen sizes. Maybe a mobile client is unnecessary. No direct tie-in with mobile OS notification system . . . not a big issue to me. I’m good.

One thing that’s annoying about this forum software is it hijacks the “search” (cmd-f) with it’s own dialog and the “goto end” (ctrl-e, this is a well known shortcut instead of cmd-right which requires two hands) with some stupid emoticon dialog when editing which can be easily clicked on above.


Interestingly for me is I just hit cmf-f twice in a row it brings up the default browser dialog.


how did I never figure that out

All of a sudden posts grey out if you mouse over them. Safari 8.0.2. I don’t believe this was happening before. It is really annoying if you are reading the post but happen to mouse over before you are done reading it because you are doing something else.

Also, the ability to star topics and view previously starred topics is gone. :frowning:

Just noticed this myself. I was using this functionality. What happened @Ben?

I noticed you can find your starred topics under bookmarks now.

I’m not seeing the star anywhere . . . .