Execution Location Local vs Cloud

Hoping this is the right place to post this questions ;

Do all custom DTHs have Cloud Execution or is there any way to have it local?
Even if it’s just a modified version of a standard SmartThings default DTH?

I can add “runLocally: true” to a DTH that says Cloud in the Execution Location and it will changed to Local. But I’m not sure if that’s actually telling it to run local, or if that’s only some sort of a text that puts the word Local in the Execution Location.


All custom DTHs run cloud, regardless - no matter what flags you set…

Only default DTHs provided by SmartThings that run in the hub can run locally.


Perfect. Thank you.

I kind of thought all custom DTH ran in the cloud but found it odd that I could add “runLocally: true” to a DTH and have it display Local as the Execution Location.

At the present time The only stuff that can run locally is that which is distributed to all customers in a region with a hub firmware update, and that’s limited to the official stock DTHs. That’s why all custom code runs in the cloud.

They’ve said a couple of times that they hope eventually to change that, but they haven’t yet, so my own guess (just a guess) is that they are building the architecture to allow for the possibility, but the reality isn’t here yet.

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Great. Thank you!

Will be nice to be able to run custom DTH locally… one day :slight_smile:

You could do it now with a different platform, just not with smartthings. Just sayin’… :wink:


I already have that different platform as a backup for a couple critical automation :wink:

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What this does it tell the cloud to turn over execution to the hub if all the other conditions are met (including the minimum core version of the firmware, the DTH being present in the hub firmware etc).


This would be awesome news if they did that, fingers crossed. Not sure how much space is on the hub that would be available for the custom DTHs, but these device handlers are small files. They could always enable the USB plug to be able to add a thumb drive to store the custom code on.

They could also enable bluetooth while they’re at it :joy: wishful thinking!

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Aw okay, thanks for the clarification RBoy.

That’s actually an ongoing discussion about adding bluetooth support. The bottom line here is if enough users want it and there are enough devices it would create a case for them to invest in adding bluetooth support.

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It really is a waste that they put a bluetooth radio in the hub but don’t turn it on

When they first released it, they described the V2 hub as “thread capable.“ I don’t know for sure, but that may have referred to the inactive Bluetooth radio, it’s the same frequency.

They were a number of hubs at that time that had inactive Bluetooth radios, or radios that were only used during initial set up, which included Wink.

Samsung was making a lot of noise right then about Bluetooth mesh for lightbulbs, and had even purchased a UK company specializing in that technology (which they sold off again 18 months later), and I think companies were trying to get ready for that as well. It was all about future proofing.

Bluetooth didn’t really take off in that fashion, although it is used for some HomeKit devices, particularly battery-operated sensors.

Project chip will cover WiFi, Thread, and Bluetooth, And smartthings is involved in that, so we may yet see a use for it.


To add to what @JDRoberts said, in it’s current form the Bluetooth on the hub isn’t a viable option for connecting home device. The hub may be located in a basement and bluetooth doesn’t support a mesh/repeater topology like zigbee and zwave do, so it can’t reliably connect to bluetooth devices in the traditional sense. I think SmartThings is looking at leveraging bluetooth from the mobile app to connect with devices but again that will only happen if users ask for it. If you have bluetooth devices (e.g. locks) you want connected to SmartThings I would recommend dropping a note to support and requesting access to specific devices. This will help them build a case internally on where to dedidate resources.

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It has a profile that does, it just hasn’t been adopted by many manufacturers.

But it’s mostly being used in big commercial sensor nets or lighting installation with thousands of devices.

It’s a good technology, it just hasn’t really been able to get a foothold in the small residential market.

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Sengled has been pushing their new bluetooth mesh bulb. It’s frequently bundled with Echo devices

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As @rboy mentioned, In residential home automation we’ve mostly seen Bluetooth in locks where the long battery life is a real plus and the goal was just to get signal to a nearby phone.

Hue is also using nonmesh Bluetooth for light bulbs now, btw. For the last year or so most of their hue bulbs can be added to a phone app without their bridge, just using Bluetooth. But they encourage you to get the bridge and switch it to Zigbee for additional features. It’s an interesting approach. It’s a different app, I can only control 10 bulbs, and is intended for a single room.

I always think of audio with Bluetooth. It would be nice to hookup a cheap Bluetooth speaker for audio alerts in Home Automation to Smartthings, especially since there really is no solution for getting rid of echo speaks, and other smart speakers, like sonos, are so expensive.

Just some other use for the Bluetooth radio after the initial setup would be nice. But of course it all comes down to time, money, and resources. They seem to have bigger things to worry about right now.

Project CHIP is definitely promising.

That’s a different profile.

It’s actually fairly unlikely that the same hub would process both Bluetooth audio and Bluetooth IOT.