Evolve LTM-5 transmitter to LRM-AS association

  1. Go to create a custom device type
  2. Click the “From Code” tab at the top, paste the contents of my gist into the box and hit “Create” and then “Publish”
  3. If you’ve already added your accessory switch or if it doesn’t get recognized as the Accessory Switch type, you have to go into the device details and hit “Edit”, then change the device type to “Accessory Switch”. If that’s not in the list, you may not have published the device type properly.
  4. Find the device network ID of the target switch or switches you want to associate with the accessory. This will be two alphanumeric digits, like 08 or 1A (you can only associate to Z-Wave devices).
  5. Next go into the accessory switch’s preferences in the mobile app. Things > Gear icon on device tile > Preferences. You may have to log out and back into the mobile app after changing the device type to get it to refresh.
  6. Enter the target switch device network ID from step 4 in the input field with that name and tap “Done”. If you are trying to control two switches, enter it like 08,1A
  7. You should generally use group 1. The accessory switch’s manual may list other uses for extra groups.
  8. The accessory switch should now control the target switch. You can’t control it from the accessory switch’s tile in SmartThings – just control the target switch directly in that case.

Sorry it’s so complicated. I hope to get a chance to add a Z-Wave association control panel soon that would let you easily associate any devices with any others.