Error linking SmartThings to Google Assistant on iOS

I just got a SmartThings hub today and have successfully connected a number of ZWave devices. After I got everything working, I went into the Google Assistant app on my iPhone to link it to my SmartThings account. I proceeded through the steps to link the accounts. When I click the “Authorize” button on the SmartThings screen, it comes back with the following error that I’ve pasted at the bottom of this post.

Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have any ideas for working around it? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Here’s my setup:
iPhone 7 Plus
iOS v11.0.3
Google Assistant v1.14209
SmartThings v2.9.1 (1422)

Here’s the error I get when I click the “authorize” button:

  1. That’s an error.

Your client does not have permission to the requested URL /services/auth/handoffs/auth/complete?state=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&code=n40a148bac5a6b25df1da6e167496c7e12c2fa27d4c6946790000000000000006_SOJLSp&return_url=comgoogleopa://settings/handoff.

That’s all we know.

Well, I don’t know what changed. But I tried again today and I was able to successfully link my SmartThings hub with Google Assistant.

I’m having this same issue, iOS as well any real fix or do I just have to wait.