ERIA AduroSmart Dimmer Buttons 1 and 4 stopped working

Good Morning,
I have encountered an odd issue recently. Prior I had the AduroSmart dimmers serving as switches in my home and they all worked just fine. but in the last week or so for whatever reason the 1st and 4th buttons have stopped working. Pressing them causes the switch to light up green but those buttons arent logged in the history and their commands arent being sent. I had to turn on and off functionality to the 2 and 3 buttons the < and > I used for moving between brightness levels and only then would my lights turn on and off. I am using ERIA Color BR30 bulbs, and the V3 SmartThings Hub and an updated version of the app and it seems to be such a bizarre thing to happen randomly. I have been browsing the forums trying to find something on this and google hasnt turned up much either so I made an account to ask formally. Does anyone know anything about this or have some insight?

They recently made changes to the device handler to prevent multiple button presses. Maybe that caused a bug with buttons 1 and 4. I can test mine tomorrow to see if it has the same problem.

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Oh thank you for such a prompt response

My buttons 1 and 4 seem to be working fine still. Which model remote does your shows in the IDE?

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I just bought this (Adurosmart Eria Wireless Dimming Switch Remote) and the model name had changed from Adurolight_NCC to AduroLight_NCC (uppercase L)ā€¦ So the new Smartthings App would not really show any buttonsā€¦ So I had to modify the Groovy script three places (Zigbee multi button) to support the new model as well (still supporting previous models also). Creating my own device handler.

Modified groovy script here
 *  Copyright 2019 SmartThings
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *	Author: SRPOL
 *	Date: 2019-02-18

import groovy.json.JsonOutput
import physicalgraph.zigbee.zcl.DataType

metadata {
	definition (name: "My modified Zigbee Multi Button", namespace: "smartthings", author: "SmartThings", mcdSync: true, ocfDeviceType: "") {
		capability "Actuator"
		capability "Battery"
		capability "Button"
		capability "Holdable Button"
		capability "Configuration"
		capability "Refresh"
		capability "Sensor"
		capability "Health Check"

		fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0001, 0003, 0007, 0020, 0B05", outClusters: "0003, 0006, 0019", manufacturer: "CentraLite", model:"3450-L", deviceJoinName: "Iris Remote Control", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button" //Iris KeyFob
		fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0001, 0003, 0007, 0020, 0B05", outClusters: "0003, 0006, 0019", manufacturer: "CentraLite", model:"3450-L2", deviceJoinName: "Iris Remote Control", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button" //Iris KeyFob
		fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0004", outClusters: "0000, 0001, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0B05", manufacturer: "HEIMAN", model: "SceneSwitch-EM-3.0", deviceJoinName: "HEIMAN Remote Control", vid: "generic-4-button" //HEIMAN Scene Keypad

		fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0300, FCCC, 1000", outClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0300, FCCC, 1000", manufacturer: "AduroSmart Eria", model: "ADUROLIGHT_CSC", deviceJoinName: "Eria Remote Control", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button" //Eria scene button switch V2.1
		fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0300, FCCC, 1000", outClusters: "0000, 0003, 0004, 0005, 0006, 0008, 0300, FCCC, 1000", manufacturer: "ADUROLIGHT", model: "ADUROLIGHT_CSC", deviceJoinName: "Eria Remote Control", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button" //Eria scene button switch V2.0
		fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0008, FCCC, 1000", outClusters: "0003, 0004, 0006, 0008, FCCC, 1000", manufacturer: "ADUROLIGHT", model: "AduroLight_NCC", deviceJoinName: "Eria Remote Control", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button" //Eria dimming button switch V2.1 new model name
        fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0008, FCCC, 1000", outClusters: "0003, 0004, 0006, 0008, FCCC, 1000", manufacturer: "AduroSmart Eria", model: "Adurolight_NCC", deviceJoinName: "Eria Remote Control", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button" //Eria dimming button switch V2.1
		fingerprint inClusters: "0000, 0003, 0008, FCCC, 1000", outClusters: "0003, 0004, 0006, 0008, FCCC, 1000", manufacturer: "ADUROLIGHT", model: "Adurolight_NCC", deviceJoinName: "Eria Remote Control", mnmn: "SmartThings", vid: "generic-4-button" //Eria dimming button switch V2.0

	tiles {
		standardTile("button", "device.button", width: 2, height: 2) {
			state "default", label: "", icon: "st.unknown.zwave.remote-controller", backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
			state "button 1 pushed", label: "pushed #1", icon: "st.unknown.zwave.remote-controller", backgroundColor: "#00A0DC"

		valueTile("battery", "device.battery", decoration: "flat", inactiveLabel: false) {
			state "battery", label:'${currentValue}% battery', unit:""

		standardTile("refresh", "device.refresh", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
			state "default", action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"
		main (["button"])
		details(["button", "battery", "refresh"])

def parse(String description) {
	def map = zigbee.getEvent(description)
	def result = map ? map : parseAttrMessage(description)
	if ( == "switch") {
		result = createEvent(descriptionText: "Wake up event came in", isStateChange: true)
	log.debug "Description ${description} parsed to ${result}"
	return result

def parseAttrMessage(description) {
	def descMap = zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap(description)
	def map = [:]
	if (descMap?.clusterInt == zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER && descMap.commandInt != 0x07 && descMap?.value) {
		map = getBatteryPercentageResult(Integer.parseInt(descMap.value, 16))
	} else if (isAduroSmartRemote()) {
		map = parseAduroSmartButtonMessage(descMap)
    	} else if (descMap?.clusterInt == zigbee.ONOFF_CLUSTER && descMap.isClusterSpecific) {
		map = getButtonEvent(descMap)
	} else if (descMap?.clusterInt == 0x0005) {
		def buttonNumber
		buttonNumber = buttonMap[device.getDataValue("model")][[2]]
		log.debug "Number is ${buttonNumber}"
		def descriptionText = getButtonName() + " ${buttonNumber} was pushed"
		sendEventToChild(buttonNumber, createEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true))
		map = createEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true)

def getButtonEvent(descMap) {
	if (descMap.commandInt == 1) {
	else if (descMap.commandInt == 0) {
		def button = buttonMap[device.getDataValue("model")][descMap.sourceEndpoint]
		getButtonResult("release", button)

def getButtonResult(buttonState, buttonNumber = 1) {
	def event = [:]
	if (buttonState == 'release') {
		def timeDiff = now() - state.pressTime
		if (timeDiff > 10000) {
			return event
		} else {
			buttonState = timeDiff < holdTime ? "pushed" : "held"
			def descriptionText = getButtonName() + " ${buttonNumber} was ${buttonState}"
			event = createEvent(name: "button", value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true)
			sendEventToChild(buttonNumber, event)
			return createEvent(descriptionText: descriptionText)
	} else if (buttonState == 'press') {
		state.pressTime = now()
		return event

def sendEventToChild(buttonNumber, event) {
	String childDni = "${device.deviceNetworkId}:$buttonNumber"
	def child = childDevices.find { it.deviceNetworkId == childDni }

def getBatteryPercentageResult(rawValue) {
	log.debug 'Battery'
	def volts = rawValue / 10
	if (volts > 3.0 || volts == 0 || rawValue == 0xFF) {
	} else {
		def result = [
				name: 'battery'
		def minVolts = 2.1
		def maxVolts = 3.0
		def pct = (volts - minVolts) / (maxVolts - minVolts)
		result.value = Math.min(100, (int)(pct * 100))
		def linkText = getLinkText(device)
		result.descriptionText = "${linkText} battery was ${result.value}%"

def refresh() {
	return zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, batteryVoltage) +
			zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.ONOFF_CLUSTER, switchType)

def ping() {

def configure() {
	def bindings = getModelBindings(device.getDataValue("model"))
	def cmds = zigbee.onOffConfig() +
			zigbee.configureReporting(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, batteryVoltage, DataType.UINT8, 30, 21600, 0x01) +
			zigbee.enrollResponse() +
			zigbee.readAttribute(zigbee.POWER_CONFIGURATION_CLUSTER, batteryVoltage) + bindings
	if (isHeimanButton())
		cmds += zigbee.writeAttribute(0x0000, 0x0012, DataType.BOOLEAN, 0x01) +
		addHubToGroup(0x000F) + addHubToGroup(0x0010) + addHubToGroup(0x0011) + addHubToGroup(0x0012)
	return cmds

def installed() {
	sendEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", isStateChange: true, displayed: false)
	sendEvent(name: "supportedButtonValues", value: supportedButtonValues.encodeAsJSON(), displayed: false)

def updated() {
	runIn(2, "initialize", [overwrite: true])

def initialize() {
	def numberOfButtons = modelNumberOfButtons[device.getDataValue("model")]
	sendEvent(name: "numberOfButtons", value: numberOfButtons, displayed: false)
	sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 60 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zigbee", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])
	if(!childDevices) {
	if(childDevices) {
		def event
		for(def endpoint : 1..device.currentValue("numberOfButtons")) {
			event = createEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", isStateChange: true)
			sendEventToChild(endpoint, event)

private addChildButtons(numberOfButtons) {
	for(def endpoint : 1..numberOfButtons) {
		try {
			String childDni = "${device.deviceNetworkId}:$endpoint"
			def componentLabel = getButtonName() + "${endpoint}"

			if (isAduroSmartRemote()) {
				componentLabel = device.displayName + " - ${endpoint}"
			def child = addChildDevice("Child Button", childDni, device.getHub().getId(), [
					completedSetup: true,
					label         : componentLabel,
					isComponent   : true,
					componentName : "button$endpoint",
					componentLabel: "Button $endpoint"
			child.sendEvent(name: "supportedButtonValues", value: supportedButtonValues.encodeAsJSON(), displayed: false)
		} catch(Exception e) {
			log.debug "Exception: ${e}"

private getBatteryVoltage() { 0x0020 }
private getSwitchType() { 0x0000 }
private getHoldTime() { 1000 }
private getButtonMap() {[
		"3450-L" : [
				"01" : 4,
				"02" : 3,
				"03" : 1,
				"04" : 2
		"3450-L2" : [
				"01" : 4,
				"02" : 3,
				"03" : 1,
				"04" : 2
		"SceneSwitch-EM-3.0" : [
				"01" : 1,
				"02" : 2,
				"03" : 3,
				"04" : 4

private getSupportedButtonValues() {
	def values
	if (device.getDataValue("model") == "SceneSwitch-EM-3.0") {
		values = ["pushed"]
	} else if (isAduroSmartRemote()) {
		values = ["pushed"]
	} else {
		values = ["pushed", "held"]
	return values

private getModelNumberOfButtons() {[
		"3450-L" : 4,
		"3450-L2" : 4,
		"SceneSwitch-EM-3.0" : 4, 
		"AduroLight_NCC" : 4,
		"Adurolight_NCC" : 4        

private getModelBindings(model) {
	def bindings = []
	for(def endpoint : 1..modelNumberOfButtons[model]) {
		bindings += zigbee.addBinding(zigbee.ONOFF_CLUSTER, ["destEndpoint" : endpoint])
	if (isAduroSmartRemote()) {
		bindings += zigbee.addBinding(zigbee.LEVEL_CONTROL_CLUSTER, ["destEndpoint" : 2]) + 
			zigbee.addBinding(zigbee.LEVEL_CONTROL_CLUSTER, ["destEndpoint" : 3])

private getButtonName() {
	def values = device.displayName.endsWith(' 1') ? "${device.displayName[0..-2]}" : "${device.displayName}"
	return values

private Map parseAduroSmartButtonMessage(Map descMap){
	def buttonState = "pushed"
	def buttonNumber = 0
	if (descMap.clusterInt == ADUROSMART_SPECIFIC_CLUSTER) {
		def list2 =
		buttonNumber = (list2[1] as int) + 1
	if (buttonNumber != 0) {
		def childevent = createEvent(name: "button", value: "pushed", data: [buttonNumber: 1], isStateChange: true)
		sendEventToChild(buttonNumber, childevent)
		def descriptionText = "$device.displayName button $buttonNumber was $buttonState"
		return createEvent(name: "button", value: buttonState, data: [buttonNumber: buttonNumber], descriptionText: descriptionText, isStateChange: true)
        } else {
		return [:]

def isAduroSmartRemote(){
	((device.getDataValue("model") == "Adurolight_NCC") || (device.getDataValue("model") == "AduroLight_NCC") || (device.getDataValue("model") == "ADUROLIGHT_CSC"))


private getCLUSTER_GROUPS() { 0x0004 }

private List addHubToGroup(Integer groupAddr) {
	["st cmd 0x0000 0x01 ${CLUSTER_GROUPS} 0x00 {${zigbee.swapEndianHex(zigbee.convertToHexString(groupAddr,4))} 00}",
	 "delay 200"]

def isHeimanButton(){
	device.getDataValue("model") == "SceneSwitch-EM-3.0"
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