Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo
Does zigbee multi switch support power meters? I have 2GANG devices。If so, which link should I add?
Hi @Hamza_El_Messari and user of Zigbee Switch Power Mc
You can try this Test driver version with custom piwer and Energy divisors.
By default it works with current driver divisors.
Added the capability powerConsumptionReport in profiles with Energy capability
Hi @LG0000
Fingerprints are need to assign the power and energy proflile
@Mariano_Colmenarejo this Aqara plug that is reporting to Energy app has that new reporting capability
Maybe is the secret ingredient that now works
Yes, the Interfree 1/2/3/4 Switch fingerprint has been added.
I am currently using zigbee-multi-switch-v4.5-childs-edge testing without displaying a power meter.
Do I need to do any additional operations? Which version should I use as the driver for my device?
I added it in the driver test version
I think that it is not enough
There are devices that have a power and energy meter for both enpoints and others only for the main enpoint.
It is necessary to see the cludters of each enpoint with zigbee thing Mc to assign the correct profile
My 1/2/3/4Gang switch has been used with zigbee-multi-switch-v4-childs and is running well.
I would like to modify the device firmware, switch 1/2/3/4 gang,
and add power and energy functions to each gang. Do you know the Cluster of power and energy?
The power is 0X050B? what is the energy(0X0702?)?
Ep: 01={ 0003,0004,0005,0006,0702,0B04,E000,E001,0000 }
Can you give me an example similar to the one above? So that I can add power and energy functions to it
I do not understand your reluctance to be more explicit, the more data from your device you give me, the better I can assist you.
The clusters are 0702 and 0B04.
Which of these two interfree devices wants to change profiles?
- id: "Interfree/XSSW2O"
deviceLabel: Interfree 2 Switch
manufacturer: Interfree
model: XSSW2O
deviceProfileName: two-switch
- id: "Interfree/UPSK2O"
deviceLabel: Interfree 2 Plug
manufacturer: Interfree
model: UPSK2O
deviceProfileName: two-outlet
Your fingerprint already contains my device
Interfree 1/2/3/4 Gang
But currently my device does not have 0702 and 0B04.
If your driver supports 0702 and 0B04., I will try adding 0702 and 0B04. to my device to test its functionality
I can update power using 050B
Which ATTRID does energy need to use?
What do you mean, that you can modify the firmware and hardware of your devices to your liking?
I have added 0702 and 0B04, and now I can see that power is updating.
But I don’t know how to update the energy
Energy is cluster 0702 and attribute 0x0000
Yes, that’s right. The energy can already be updated. Afterwards, I will gradually test 1/2/3/4Gang. Thank you. Your contribution has had a great impact on the community.
Then you can add the attributes for divisors and multipliers for 0702 and 0B04 clusters that driver must use to calculate correct values of power and energy.
If these attributes values are nil then driver use divisor = 1 and multiplier = 1
cluster 0x0B04
[0x0604] = "ACPowerMultiplier",
[0x0605] = "ACPowerDivisor",
cluster 0x0702
[0x0301] = "Multiplier",
[0x0302] = "Divisor",
Okay, I will modify my device firmware to adapt to your original driver.
I used zigbee-multi-switch-v3.5-childs on your GITHUB without increasing power and energy before (my firmware also does not include power and energy 0702 and 0B04).
However, after adding 0702 and 0B04 to my firmware, I still use V3.5 firmware, and power and energy controls can automatically appear in the app.
Are power and energy controls automatically increased? As long as the power and energy attributes are added, the power and energy controls will automatically appear?
I haven’t tested 2/3/4Gang yet. I will add 0702 and 0B04 to it, and power and energy controls will also appear automatically afterwards?
My zigbee Yale 210 locks just started giving an error “Something went wrong while created the lock code. Try again” when I try to create a guest code. I tried using your driver but it’s still doing the same thing. Any ideas?
Hi @evertec
My driver is the same as the stock one, it just has some fingerprints that some users requested.
If it doesn’t work you should open a report in smartthings
Hello, I install your drivers @Mariano_Colmenarejo, and I get this
Is a 3 gang switch
And model name say ds-112
Will be possible to make it work as a 3 switch?
Because when it automatically connect to smartthings work but just as 1 switch and I can control it separately.
I’ll do it this afternoon and I’ll let you know, now I can’t