(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Drivers for Motion, Open/Close, Moisture, Smoke-Co Sensors and others Devices

Thank you very much. Unfortunately, I am still unable to connect. I wonder if there is something wrong with my Aeotec v3 hub? I have tried two different LeakSmart valves (v1 and v2) with frequent resets. They appear to be connecting to Zigbee according to their flashing lights, but I get connection error 34-302 if pre-selecting the valve, or if I search for devices, I get nothing. I have also observed that I seem to be unable to access the SmartThings β€œstock drivers,” in that every other Z-wave and Zigbee device I have connected has its own driver from an optionally subscribed channel, including SmartThings (beta). When I try to change driver, I am never offered the option of a stock driver. I guess my next step is an inquiry to SmartThings.

Hi @rich7

Install Zigbee thing Mc driver from my channel and pair with it to see your device fingerprints

they may be different from the ones in the drivers. With the groovy dth it did not matter, now it is essential that they be identical

@Mariano_Colmenarejo I installed your Zigbee Lock Drivers (Thank you so much!). I have a couple Kwikset 914 Zigbee locks.Once I uninstalled them and re-installed with your drivers, LUM now recognizes them and I’m able to manage user codes. However the user codes don’t show under lock details so I’m not able to create notifications for each user code like i can with my Schlage z-wave lock. Any insight on this?

Hi all, need some help on aqara e1. Just got the machine today. I can pair with the driver zigbee windows treatment mc. However, I can’t initialize and the button all can’t work (open, close and pause)

Here is the device info. Can anyone help. Thanks.

Hi @Joseph_Ong

This device was added to the driver, but it didn’t work correctly and it was left unfixed since I don’t have the device and I can’t debug it. I’m going to remove it from the driver

You can try this other driver that should work

Thanks @Mariano_Colmenarejo. Tried that. But also can’t work.

Did you uninstall and reinstall the device directly with the driver to get it set up?

possibly the driver change is not enough to configure it

according to the post if it works for some user

Thanks! Let me keep trying. The pause button can’t work hence a big issue for me. Thanks for your help.

Where are the default routines (for example, Opening detection notifications in the Zigbee Contact Mc driver) specified in the driver code? I’m interested in adding additional templates.

To emit the opne and close events the driver uses the zigbee contactSensor_defaults.lua that are in the default libraries of the Hub firmware.

If you want to handle them manually to modify something you must copy the code of that default library in the driver and configure a call to those functions copied in the driver template zigbee_handlers.

You can look at the subdriver code β€œco-handler
/init.lua” of the Zigbee Smoke/CO Detector Mc driver.

You will see that they are the same as the contact sensor defaults but they emit capabilities.carbonMonoxideDetector events instead of capabilities.contactSensor.contact events

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo, could you please add the device below to zigbee window treatment?

Hi @Caio_Cesar_Gomes

This device uses the EF00 cluster.

It might work with the @iquix driver if their fingerprints are added.

You can also try to use @w35l3y EF00 cluster driver.

Morning Mariano,

Hope you are well!

Could you please help me with updating the drivers for another device :pray: . It’s a 4 button Ikea Zigbee switch. Link below.

Attached is the fingerprints.

Many thanks in advance.

Lanio Carvalho

Sorry this device doesn’t work with any of my drivers

I have nothing for multiple zigbee buttons

You can try @ygerlovin driver. Here is his channel:

Zigbee Button Remote Driver [YG]


Can you please add the following Door Sensor to your Fingerprint file.

Door Sensor details.
Device ID: 6d66d5ed-ae53-4ac2-8f26-85ae0edff042
Manufacturer Code: TUYATEC-ydcwf5m2
Model: RH3001

Hi @Nathan_Williams

These fingerprints were added at the beginning of August.

Install the Zigbee Contact Mc driver from my shared channel on your hub

Uninstall and reinstall the device with the app

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Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo

Could you please add the Aqara Door and Window Sensor (Type β€œE1” Model number β€ŽMCCGQ11LM - See listing on Amazon.uk). I can see in your zigbee-contact-mc-v3/fingerprints.yml file (snip below) that you already have listings for β€œAqara Door and Window Sensor T1” and β€œAqara Door and Window Sensor P1” type but not this β€œE1” type - I got the β€œE1” designation from this site in case it matters.

I think the info you need is:

DeviceLabel: Aqara Open/Closed Sensor
Manufacturer: LUMI
Model: lumi.sensor_magnet.aq2
Device name: contact-battery-profile

Many thanks.

id: "LUMI/magnet.agl02"
deviceLabel: Aqara Door and Window Sensor T1
manufacturer: LUMI
model: lumi.magnet.agl02
deviceProfileName: contact-battery-profile
id: "LUMI/magnet.ac01"
deviceLabel: Aqara Door and Window Sensor P1
manufacturer: LUMI
model: lumi.magnet.ac01
deviceProfileName: contact-battery-profile

Hi @black-paladin

Added to this driver version, try if it works

 Name         Zigbee Contact Mc
 Version      2023-08-28T17:39:57.603865056        
- id: "LUMI/sensor_magnet.aq2"
    deviceLabel: Aqara Door and Window Sensor E1
    manufacturer: LUMI
    model: lumi.sensor_magnet.aq2
    deviceProfileName: contact-battery-profile
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