Cleverio Motion sensor

Hi everyone. New to SmartThings and using a hub, used only wifi earlier. My Cleverio Motion sensor got connected over Zigbee but only says connected and not reporting motion. Tried to find some edge driver for it but no luck, do I have to get another make or are there any hope?. Only found the following with regards to fingerprint:

Have you tried Mariano’s Edge driver?

If the MFG code isn’t in the fingerprint file, which I don’t think it is, you can make a copy of his code and create a version of that driver for yourself. Unfortunately, Mariano isn’t engaged in this community anymore, or for at least a very long time, so he won’t be able to update his driver to add yours.

Hi there, I have tried the Motion sensor driver but no lukøci, guess I have to get another brand.

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