(EDGE Driver-Mc): Fibaro Smart Implant Mc


Try these instructions:

First make Z-Wave Exclusion
Fibaro Smart Implant menu in SmartThings App

  1. Click Remove
  2. Quickly, triple click button on the device housing or switch connected to IN1 or IN2.
  3. LED will start blinking yellow, wait for the removing process to end.

Then Readd Smart Implant to SmartThings

  1. In SmartThings App select add device and then scan for nearby devices
  2. Quickly, triple click button on the device housing or switch connected to IN1 or IN2.
  3. If you are adding in Security S2 Authenticated, scan the DSK QR code or input the underlined part of the DSK (on the device label).
  4. LED will start blinking yellow, wait for the adding process to end.

Then select correct profile from Smart Implantā€™s settings (in detail view)

I moved the discussion to this topic. We can continue on this topic.

Testing using one sensor is good idea.

Which type sensors you are using?

I have tested using 2 protected sensors. Now Iā€™m using one sensor.

You can use CLI for logging.
The command you use to get logging started is:

smartthings edge:drivers:logcat

Youā€™ll be prompted for your hubā€™s IP address, and then to select the driver.

Hi - I am using the sensor on the left. The wired version with red, black and yellow wires. I currently have three sensors connected in parallel. All the black wires connected together to the Smart Implant blue wire. There are two blues - this one is next to the short black antenna wire. GND.

All the red wires are connected together to the brown wire SP, and all the yellows connected together to the white wire SD.

I think this is correct! The first reading from each sensor whenever I set it up, or apply power always appears to be correct. Itā€™s just that it never repeats taking the temperature and reporting it

I will look into using the CLI.

This is with parameter 67 set to ā€˜5ā€™ and 68 to ā€˜60ā€™. The way I read it this should report a new value once every 60 seconds. Are any of the setting for the individual child thermostats relevant for straight temperature reporting? I am not using the outputs to turn on heating/cooling and the only thing Iā€™ve changed is the temperature units to Fahrenheit.

I have same connections.

Which type power supply you are using?
Minimum operating voltage is 9 V DC.

Temperature measurement in CLI log

2023-08-09T14:33:38.855080890+00:00 TRACE Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  Received event with handler unnamed
2023-08-09T14:33:38.863199162+00:00 INFO Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  <ZwaveDevice: 4cc2b52b-dd4b [0B] (Fibaro Smart Implant)> received Z-Wave command: {args={precision=1, scale="CELSIUS", sensor_type="TEMPERATURE", sensor_value=26.2, size=2}, cmd_class="SENSOR_MULTILEVEL", cmd_id="REPORT", dst_channels={0}, encap="S2_AUTH", payload="\x01\x22\x01\x06", src_channel=8, version=1}
2023-08-09T14:33:38.941419699+00:00 TRACE Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_smart_implant
2023-08-09T14:33:38.962913613+00:00 PRINT Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  << sensorMultilevel_report_handler >>
2023-08-09T14:33:38.964219960+00:00 PRINT Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  << Temperature_report_handler >>
2023-08-09T14:33:38.965437351+00:00 PRINT Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  <<<< profile_number: 10
2023-08-09T14:33:38.966652743+00:00 INFO Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  <ZwaveDevice: 4cc2b52b-dd4b [0B] (Fibaro Smart Implant)> emitting event: {"state":{"value":25.900000000000002,"unit":"C"},"attribute_id":"temperature","component_id":"main","capability_id":"temperatureMeasurement"}
2023-08-09T14:33:38.974063369+00:00 PRINT Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  <<<< device.preferences.changeProfileExtTemp:        10
2023-08-09T14:33:38.975308080+00:00 PRINT Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  <<<< component= endpoint_to_component:       main
2023-08-09T14:33:38.996598096+00:00 DEBUG Fibaro Smart Implant Mc  Fibaro Smart Implant device thread event handled

Itā€™s a 12V 100mA supply. I checked the voltage and itā€™s at 12.8V. The voltage across the DS18B20 sensor red & black wires is 3.2V.

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How do you view the CLI log?

The command to stream the logs is

smartthings edge:drivers:logcat --hub-address=YOUR_ST_HUB_IP_ADDR

CLI installation notes are here
GitHub - SmartThingsCommunity/smartthings-cli: Command-line Interface for the SmartThings APIs.


You could test with just one probe connected, and test all three. If a probe is faulty, it may block the transmission of the other 2 probes.

you can use the CLI with this tutorial.

the messages from the external temp probes will come from the src_channel = 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the device.

If you donā€™t see any messages from those src_channel numbers, your device may be defective and you have to change it to another. I have not seen that other users have caused so many problems with a smart implant

I thought Iā€™d provide an update. I think I have traced this down to a bad probe. I started at one probe as suggested here, that worked OK so one by one I added probes. I currently have three probes working reliably. They are all tracking in terms of temperature, but the reporting, which should be 1/minute, is sporadic. I can live with that.

Thanks so much for all the help.

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In history you see only temperature changes.

You have select trend from ST App Detail View.
Fibaro Smart Implant Ext Temperature in SmartThings App

then you see all updates
Fibaro Smart Implant Ext Temperature Trend in SmartThings App

My update rate is every 10 minutes.

Thanks @TapioX That makes sense now.

Sorry to hijack - can anyone tell me how you are powering the Smart Implant device if you are using it stand-alone (not as part of an alarm system, for example) for temperature measurement? Thanks.

Technical data
Power supply 9-30V DC Ā±10%

Iā€™m using 12V DC power supply.

I donā€™t know your region, but just a standard AC/DC (12V) transformer plugged in to a 120V outlet with the leads cut off and connected to the Smart Implant device?


I use a similar power supply.
Here in Europe the mains voltage is 230V.

Power supply output leads are cut off and connected to Smart Implant power supply input leads.

Hi all,

Not sure if I should be in this thread or the other MC Fibaro thread. Iā€™m trying to set up a Smart Implant with two temperature probes, to capture and have tiles for the temperatures on the return and supply side of an HVAC system

I originally ordered a pack of 10 probes with the Smart Implant. I initially tried to wire up two probes in parallel but couldnā€™t figure out how I see the second temperature. I had changed the settings to match but never figured out where to find the second temperature. In fact, I thought I must have misunderstood, and the device must be averaging the two temperatures instead of capturing them separately. So I went to just a single probe.

I want to try the two probes again. What is the best way to be able to see both temperatures on tiles for this device?


Try these instructions:


Iā€™ve got it working now with two sensors. But having a couple of issues.

@Mariano_Colmenarejo I know I have sent you noted about this in the past, but are you having issues with the tiles for your Edge drivers and other iOS users? For this one, with the ā€œ2 External Temp Probeā€ configuration, all I see on the tile is ā€œConnectedā€ where I thought a temperature would appear. There are no options to select which temperature should appear on the tile. Iā€™ve noticed your other temperature Edge drivers show things like ā€œ68FConnectedā€ on the tile for me; these are the only ones which do it.

Also, what does setting a ā€œ0ā€ to Temp minimal change to report and Interval of temp reports do? I want the most sensitive reporting to occur, but I donā€™t want to accidentally turn off reporting. Which options will give me the most sensitive reporting?


Sorry, correction to the above. Now the tile is showing the internal temperature, but Iā€™d like one (or both ideally) of the external temperatures to show. But the child thermostats are showing ā€œ77.2FConnectedā€.