(EDGE Driver-Mc): Fibaro Smart Implant Mc

New version Fibaro Smart Implant BETA-6.

This new version has been possible thanks to the great help in debugging @TapioX , Thanks for all

I Create a separate thread for this device, this was the original thread

In addition to the already existing Thermostat Child devices, I have added the options to create independent child devices for:

  • Input-1, Input-2: Binary inputs (Contact sensors or Motion sensors child devices)
  • Analog-1, Analog-2: (Voltage Measurement Child devices)
  • Out-1 and Out2: (Switch Child devices).

In each of the profiles you can create the child devices you need to personalize them with names and place them in other rooms or use them in third-party applications.

Some profiles are option to select single or Multi-Tile

If you find any errors, please tell me and I will try to fix it.

This is the new driver version

 Driver Id    d61e22b2-7160-4e2a-8774-9b3585c41a9e 
 Name         Fibaro Smart Implant Mc
 Package Key  zwave-fibaro-smart-implant-6
 Version      2023-05-31T13:51:52.250258337        

This is my shared channel link

As some users have asked me, if you find these Mc drivers useful and wants to invite me to a coffee, Thanks


Hi Mariano, having the same issue as articulated in the original thread. Automations cause the inputs to stop responding to changes. Turn an automation on and inputs freeze, turn it off and they go back to responding as normal. This is occuring on the current Beta-6 release and also on the Beta-5 release. Another anomoly I’ll mention, is that at one point I opened the app and the temperatures for both the thermostat and the Impant tiles had reverted to displaying the internal temperature. I had to change drivers to get them back to displaying the external temperature. I’ve not been able to duplicate this behavior a second time.
As stated before, no rush, just wanted to provide the feedback you had requested.
The creation of the child devices is a 5 star upgrade!! Thanks for the hard work…


Hi @edschaefer

Thank you for your comments.

Could you be a bit more specific and post which automation causes the failure and if it occurs when the routine is triggered or always?

It may be true, but I don’t understand how a routine external to the driver leaves driver functions inoperative.

If you send me a CLI log of when the inputs are inoperatives then I’ll be happy to analyze it, if not I can’t do anything.

I’ll work on getting CLI logs, I just installed the CLI last week so still learning. I agree, doesn’t seem logical. It’s a couple simple Smartthing automations that look at temperature and if it’s above a certain value, it turns Out1 on. Once it falls below, it turns Out1 off. I have another that looks at input 1 and sends a text if it changes state. So, they stop responding to changes when the automation is enabled, regardless of any of the in/out states. If I disable the automations, back to normal… I know, odd… I’ll see if I can get logs after work this evening.


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Thank you for your work.
I was using the implant to open and close my garage door. can you add the garage icon?


Sorry, it is not possible to add a custom icon to the driver for each use of the implant. That would require adding a new profile for each icon.

It would be smartthings who should allow the option of using the icon that each user would like from the list of all existing ones, as other Apps like Tuya app do, for example, where you can even put a photo

I have changed the categories of the profiles to MultiFunctionalSensor so that there are more app options to change the icon.

If you create a child device for input 1 or 2, which uses the MultiFunctionalSensor categories, you will be able to choose in the app the garage door icon on that child contactSensor device.

 Name         Fibaro Smart Implant Mc
 Package Key  zwave-fibaro-smart-implant-6
 Version      2023-06-03T17:05:18.912350341        
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I am changing from the settings the profile of the Fibaro Smart Implant.
Do child devices have to be deleted before changing the profile?

Hi @TapioX

If they are going to be orphaned if the new profile doesn’t have that parent component then it will stop working and you just delete it later.

If it’s a temporary profile change and then you go back to the same profile, they should work again when they find their parent.

Please, could you tell me how the app icon change option works with the changes I made yesterday in the profile categories?

There are users who forget to comment to other users on the results of the new things they request

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Fibaro Smart Implant’s Contact Child Device’s Icons selection

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Thanks @TapioX
I figure that on parent devices it also offers these icons

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I have moved back to Ext Temp + 2 Contact + 2 Switch profile

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So I got around to looking at this again last night and I’m either senile or just not to bright… Everything is working fine, automations work utilizing the child tiles, inputs and outputs respond. Thermostat is a bit flaky but I just use it to display temperature so no issues. There is an error in one of the logs, I’m not sure what it is, but I’ll attach a screen shot below. The thermostat tile and main tile both display the same temperature, which for me using Ext Temp+2 Contact+2 Switch profile is expected. It would be neat to see the internal temperature displayed on the main tile, but it’s not overly meaningful so not worth working on! Mariano, your time, effort and responses has been sincerely appreciated! Here is that screenshot…

The thermostat is not working well. It is showing an error in the refresh thermostat module line 110.

It seems that the preference: β€œDifferential Temp for Start and Stop” or the heating set point value is null when you are going to calculate the temperature of change to the PendingHeat state:

110 local tempChangeToPendingHeat = (device:get_field("heating_Setpoint") - (device.preferences.diffStartStop / 2))

This may be because the child thermostat has not been correctly initialized or it does not return the default value of the preference.
If you delete the child thermostat and recreate it, it should initialize and the error should disappear

For this would have to create a new profile that has: Int Temp + Ext Temp + 2 contact + 2 switch

Thank you, I’ll give that a try. Definitely not worth your time rolling in that internal temperature, it is meaningless!!!


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Great work @Mariano_Colmenarejo

I couldn’t see Rev 6 of the driver on your channel, has it been removed?

Hi @Recon

The version 6 has the name Fibaro Smart Implant Mc

Name         Fibaro Smart Implant Mc
 Package Key  zwave-fibaro-smart-implant-6

How do I configure that when I turn on the switch button it turns off after 0.5 seconds? it has to be like this for the gate to work. Before I had a Device Handler and now I’m not getting it.

with parameters 156 and 157. It is in the device manual

Connection with gate opener

Smart Implant can be connected to different devices to control them. In this example it is connected to gate opener with impulse input (every impulse will start and stop the gate motor, alternately opening/closing).

  1. Disconnect power.
  2. Connect with the diagram below:

    Diagram 9: Example gate opener (1 – monostable button, 2 – gate opener controller).
  3. Verify correctness of connection.
  4. Power the device.
  5. Add the device to the Z-Wave network.
  6. Change values of parameters:
  • Connected to IN1 and OUT1:
    • Change parameter 20 to 2 (monostable button)
    • Change parameter 156 to 1 (0.1s)
  • Connected to IN2 and OUT2:
    • Change parameter 21 to 2 (monostable button)
    • Change parameter 157 to 1 (0.1s)

Thanks :ok_hand: It works

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Many thanks!!

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