[Edge Driver] Hue Motion Sensor (No Hue Bridge)

@iquix Very cool! I will give this a shot! I need to figure out how to scan nearby devices without it picking up my hue bulbs that are already integrated through the connected app. Any thoughts on that? No big deal if not. Thanks again!

@iquix Would be able to create Edge drivers for all IKEA remotes?


No. I don’t have any plan for making Edge driver for other IKEA buttons.

IKEA Shortcut Button uses ZHA endpoint, like other zigbee buttons on the market.

However, IKEA remotes, other than this one, were originally intended to use with TouchLink, so these buttons use ZLL signals that requires Group manipulation.

To make other IKEA buttons work with Edge Driver, Edge driver should be built from the scratch.

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I found code for Ikea Button driver from Github but I think it is work in progress because it’s not available through developers channel. So there is a hope. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

So I didn’t do my homework and assumed there was native integration for Hue motion sensor and smartthings.

How is this Edge driver working for everyone?

Else, I’m gonna pack it up and return it :slight_smile:

Going by the listings over on Zigbee2MQTT the Hue Motion Sensor should also expose the current illuminance value. Is that reading also part of the edge driver and can be used as part of rules?

Of course.

I guys I’m a little lost here I had already paired a hue motion sensor with the old cloud dh and since from time to time it went offline and recently my SmartThings Wifi got firmware 38 I decided to give this I try what I did was

  1. remove the motion sensor
  2. remove the old dh
  3. enroll my hub
  4. install the driver
  5. repair my motion sensor

Actually I have repaired several times and I end up with the device being recognized but with no status at all and the device type is place holder what I’m doing wrong? Thanks for your help

Awesome. Then I’ll get myself one of those nice Hue motion sensors.

Btw, I remember that the new edge drivers can work locally. But how about rules that rely on data from the Hue motion sensor (say stuff like “turn on the light” if “motion is detected” and “lux value is above XYZ”)? Do the run locally as well?

Edge Device itself works locally, but rules with “rises above” or “drops below” don’t work locally.

Let’s say

“if illuminance gets equal to 0 then turn on the light” works locally,

“if illuminance drops below 10 then turn on the light”
doesn’t work locally.

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Can anyone confirm if this driver is more successful in the long run for the Hue motion sensor?

My experience is that the DTH for the Hue motion sensors works very well initially, but drops connection and requires either a restart or repairing to get it going again.

Does the same thing happen with the edge driver?


I hade some drop out issues but changed to unsecure mode which solved the problem for me.

@iquix How is everything? Did you create a drive for this button?

Check out this one
I think he as a driver for your 4 button

Perfect!!! Thanks!! :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2:

I’m having the same issue. Only tempurature is being reported.
When I go to samsung IDE and the device type is “placeholder”, is that correct?

Do we need to do anything else to get this working?

At least you have something to me it didn’t work at all

how do i add the hue motion outdoor sensor to smartthings now? i installed the driver from the first post, but when searching to add “hue” or “philips” in the smartthings app I still only get the lights as result.

You need to use search nearby for Edge drivers.

thanks! any limits applies?
Can i also use timers like “if no motion is detected for x minutes” etc.