I’m writing this post because i’m struggling with the Developer Workspace and the Smartthings CLI to develop a device profile that suits my needs.
At the moment my profile has this structure, using only smartthings production capabilities:
- refresh()
- healtCheck()
- energyMeter()
- powerMeter()
- powerMeter()
- energyMeter()
- energyMeter()
The integration is working fine, but i have 2 problems:
- I have no control over the texts displayed in the smartthings app , excpet for changing the translation for components component_A, component_B, component_C. I could not change the translation for main.
- I’m not able to change the translation of the labels inside the energyMeter and powerMeter capabilities because they are smartthings production capabilities.
I tried to develop a new device profile using only custom capabilites so that i can change the labesl or eventually the translation , but i had several problems ending in nothing showing upp on the ST app. This because I think it’s not easy and straight forward to oerfor all the necessary steps.
I’m here to ask, if possible, to guide me through the process. I write down the schema I want to develop and would like to know which are the steps needed to make it work.
I need to use 2 custom capabiltiies: customEnergyMeter and customPowerMeter , which i need to have exactly the same properties and presentation of the smartthing production st.energyMeter and st.powerMeter.
These two capabilites should have custom labels or at least their labels should be editable through the translation file.
The device profile should have the following structure:
- refresh()
- healthCheck()
- customEnergyMeter
- customPowerMeter
- customPowerMeter
- customEnergyMeter
- customEnergyMeter
I know i’m asking much but i think that many developer as me could face this problem, so having a reference guide could be very helpful.
Thank you in advance