I am working on a 5+2 Thermostat control. I can see the command from the SmartApp to set the temperature to 74, but the CT-100 responds indicating it is going to stay at 77. The second argument to setCoolingSetpoint is 30000 when it doesn’t work but 1000 when it does. I don’t seem to be able to set the second argument from the SmartApp, that might be in a lower level API? I have deleted the SmartApp and reinstalled it and the behavior is the same. Any ideas?
I have an interesting variation on this one. I have the RBoy device handler on a bunch of CT-100s. They all work great except for one. What’s interesting is that the DH reads changes from the device (when I push buttons on the physical thermostat) but I cannot send any commands to it.
I just tried updating the device handler and rebooting hub, no dice.
I’ve had 2 faulty thermostats I’ve had to return. Wonder if this is another one. I’m dreading removing it from Zwave network and re-adding it as I have it tied to a bunch of stuff… but thinking this might be my only option.
Anybody have an idea?
(www.rboyapps.com - Making SmartThings Easy!)
Likely, I had posted about this sometime ago when the hub loses directional communication with the thermostat, i.e. it only has one way communication. You could try to hit the reset button on the thermostat and see if that fixes the issue, if not you may have to exclude and re-pair. It’s more a Z-Wave mesh issue. The best way to avoid this issue is to run the thermostats with the C-Wire connected.
I run all 5 with C wire. I also have lots of other Z wave devices that are powered hand have around the function to repair the Z wave Network a few times. I’ll try resetting the physical device and repairing it