[OBSOLETE] Multi-feature Programmable Thermostat SmartApp

This app provides a straightforward but capable interface for programming a thermostat based on mode changes and scheduled days/times. Features include the ability to automatically switch between heating and cooling modes and the ability to start heating or cooling early if the outside temperature is below or above user set thresholds.

The app also contains the option to automatically resend thermostat commands that are not acknowledged by the thermostat. I found it necessary to implement this feature because, on occasion, the thermostat failed to execute setpoint change commands despite the fact that the logs clearly indicated that the app sent the commands (presumably due to imperfect network communications.) I’ve tested this feature extensively on my thermostat (a Zen Thermostat using the zenStat device type) and it greatly increases reliability; it also adds the benefit of alerting me any time the thermostat or network is not functioning (e.g. when the thermostat runs out of batteries). However, I don’t think this feature will work with all thermostat models and device types because it leverages what I suspect is a unique characteristic of this thermostat and/or device type, which is: immediately following a command to change the thermostat setpoint, for example to 68, the device reports back the setpoint in the format 68.0 (even if the physical thermostat is not powered), and once the physical thermostat actually changes the setpoint, the devices reports back the setpoint in the format 68 (dropping the decimal.) This format change allows the app to confirm execution of the command by the thermostat. If this feature doesn’t work for you, this option can be disabled in the app settings. I’ve tried to devise a method of achieving the same capability without relying on what is probably a unique quirk of this thermostat/device type but haven’t come up with anything that works - I’d welcome any ideas!

I’m fairly new to Smartthings, and this is the first SmartApp I have shared; I’d welcome feedback of any sort.

 *  Programmable Thermostat
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
name: "Programmable Thermostat",
namespace: "smartthings",
author: "Ray C",
description: "A full-featured, easy to use interface for programming your thermostat based on schedule setpoints and mode changes",
category: "Convenience",
iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png",
iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png",
iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png"

preferences {
	page(name:"Settings", title:"Settings", uninstall:true, install:true ) {
		section() {
			input (name:"thermostat", type: "capability.thermostat", title: "Select thermostat", required: true, multiple: false)
	section ("Scheduled Setpoints", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
	    	input (name: "son", type: "bool", title: "Run scheduled setpoints", required:true)
			input (name:"numscheduled", title: "Number of scheduled setpoints", type: "number",refreshAfterSelection: true)
			href(title: "Schedule Setpoints", page: "ScheduledChanges")
	section ("Mode-Based Setpoints", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
			input (name: "eon", type: "bool", title: "Run mode-based setpoints", required:true)
			input (name:"numevent", title: "Number of mode-based setpoints", type: "number",refreshAfterSelection: true)
			href(title: "Mode-Based Setpoints Setpoints", page: "EventBasedChanges")
	section("Additional Features", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
    	input (name: "auto", type: "enum", title: "Adjust thermostat heating/cooling mode based on current temperature and setpoint", required:true, multiple: false, options: ['Never','When setpoints are executed','Any time']) 
			href(title: "Set the thremostat to start heating or cooling earlier than scheduled based on the temperature outside", page: "EarlyStart")
			input (name: "fnotifications", type: "bool", title: "Resend commands not acknowledged by the theromstat and notify after multiple failed attempts.", required:true)
			paragraph "When the above feature is enabled, the app will monitor the thermostat for positive confirmation that a sent command has been executed.  If it was not executed, several attempts will be made to resend the command.  This can make execution of commands more reliable.  If the thermostat fails to respond after multiple attempts, a push notication will alert the user that the thermostat is not responsive to commands.  This feature may not compatible with all thermostats and should be disabled if every command results in a failure notification."
	section("Notifications", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
			input (name: "snotifications", type: "bool", title: "Notify when scheduled setpoints execute", required:true)
        input (name: "enotifications", type: "bool", title: "Notify when mode-based setpoints execute", required:true)
        input (name: "eventlogging", type: "enum", title: "Set the level of event logging in the notification feed", required:true, multiple: false, options: ['None','Normal','Detailed','Debug'])
   //section("Command Acknowledgement Failure Response and Notification", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
page(name: "ScheduledChanges")
page(name: "EventBasedChanges")
page(name: "EarlyStart")

def ScheduledChanges() {
	dynamicPage(name: "ScheduledChanges", uninstall: true, install: false) {
		for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numscheduled; i++) {
			section("Scheduled Setpoint $i") {
				input "stime${i}", "time", title: "At this time:", required: true
   			input "sheatset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this heating temperature:", required: true
    		input "scoolset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this cooling temperature:", required: true
    		input "sdays${i}", "enum", title: "Only on these days (no selection is equivalent to selecting all):", required: false, multiple: true, options: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']
    		input "smodes${i}", "mode", title: "Only in these modes (no selection is equivalent to selecting all):", multiple: true, required: false       

def EventBasedChanges() {
	dynamicPage(name: "EventBasedChanges", uninstall: true, install: false) {
		for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numevent; i++) {
			section("Mode-Based Setpoint $i") {
				input "emodes${i}", "mode", title: "On transition to this mode:", multiple: false, required: true
				input "eheatset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this heating temperature:", required: true
	    		input "ecoolset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this cooling temperature:", required: true
            input "edays${i}", "enum", title: "Only on these days (no selection is equivalent to selecting all):", required: false, multiple: true, options: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']

def EarlyStart() {
	dynamicPage(name: "EarlyStart", uninstall: true, install: false) {
		section("Start Heating Early") {
	    	input (name: "earlyheating", type: "bool", title: "When it is below a specified temperature outside, send heating commands earlier than scheduled", required:true)
			input (name:"earlyheatingtemp", title: "Start heating early when the outside temperature is below this:", type: "number", required: false)
    section("Start Cooling Early") {
	    	input (name: "earlycooling", type: "bool", title: "When it is above a specified temperature outside, send cooling commands earlier than scheduled", required:true)
			input (name:"earlycoolingtemp", title: "Start cooling early when the outside temperature is below this:", type: "number", required: false)
    section("Settings") {
     	input (name:"earlymins", title: "When starting heating or cooling early, start this many minutes early:", type: "number", required: false)
			input (name:"outsidetemp", type: "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Select an outside temperature source", required: false, multiple: false)
			paragraph "NOTE: If you do not have an outdoor temperature sensor, you can add a virtual sensor by installing the AccuWeather Connect Smartapp.  To do so, use the Smartthings mobile app, navigate to Marketplace > SmartApps > Climate Control > AccuWeather Connect and fill out the required fields.  Then return to this app, where AccuWeather will be available in the menu of temperature sources."


def installed() {initialize()}

def updated() {initialize()}

def initialize() {
	try {
} catch(e) {
	try {
    } catch(ev) {}    

subscribe(settings.thermostat, "temperature", tempChangeHandler)
if ((settings.numevent > 0) && (settings.eon)) {subscribe(location, modeChangeHandler)}

state.scheduledindex = 0
state.pendingindex = 0
	state.dayoflastrun = TodayAsString()
state.timeoflastevent = now()
state.nextscheduledtime = now()
state.failedcommandcount = 0
state.schedulestring = ""
state.checkcommandstring = ""

state.eventlogging = 0
if (settings.eventlogging == "Normal"){state.notificationlevel = 1}
if (settings.eventlogging == "Detailed"){state.notificationlevel = 2}
if (settings.eventlogging == "Debug"){state.notificationlevel = 3}

if ((settings.numscheduled > 0) && (settings.son)) {
	schedule(timeToday("2015-08-04T00:00:00.000",location.timeZone), MidnightRunner)
	log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: successfully initialized."
if (state.notificationlevel>0) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat successfully initialized.$state.schedulestring.")}
	state.schedulestring = ""


//At midnight, runs scheduler function to set the first scheduled event of the new day
def MidnightRunner() {
	state.dayoflastrun = TodayAsString()
state.timeoflastevent = now()
try {
	} catch(ev) {}
def i = SearchSchedulePoints("2015-08-04T00:00:00.000")
if (i>0) {ThermostatCommander(settings."sheatset${i}", settings."scoolset${i}", settings.snotifications, "per scheduled setpoint.$state.schedulestring")}

//Determines and schedules the next scheduled setpoint
def SchedulerFunction(){
	def mindiff = 60*60*1000*24*7 
def timeNow = now()
   	def todaystring = TodayAsString()
	for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numscheduled; i++) {
    def ScheduledTime = timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone)
    def ScheduledDays = settings["sdays$i"]
    if (ScheduledDays == null) {ScheduledDays = TodayAsString()}
 		if (ScheduledTime != null) {
    	if ((ScheduledTime.time >= timeNow) && (ScheduledDays.contains(TodayAsString())) && (ScheduledTime.time - timeNow < mindiff)){
            mindiff = ScheduledTime.time - timeNow
            state.scheduledindex = i
if (mindiff < 60*60*1000*24*7) {
	int i = state.scheduledindex
	def nextrun = timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone)
    state.nextscheduledtime = nextrun.time
    def nextrunstring = DisplayTime(nextrun)
    runOnce(nextrun, ScheduleExecuter)
 		if((settings.earlyheating || settings.earlycooling) && settings.outsidetemp != null && settings.earlymins != null) {
   		try {
    	} catch(ev) {}
        def earlytime = nextrun.time - settings.earlymins*1000*60

        if (earlytime > timeNow) {
        	schedule(earlytime, EarlyStartExecuter)
            if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Based on early heating settings, Programmable Thermostat is scheduled to check the outside temperature $settings.earlymins minutes prior to the next schedule point at $nextrunstring.")}
			} else if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat did not scheduled an early start to heating or cooling because the time of the early start would have been before the current time.")}
		if (state.notificationlevel>1) {state.schedulestring=" Next scheduled setpoint for $thermostat.label is today at $nextrunstring"}
	} else {
    log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: There are no other scheduled setpoints for $thermostat.label today"
    state.nextscheduledtime = -1
		if (state.notificationlevel>1) {state.schedulestring=" There are no remaining scheduled setpoints for $thermostat.label today"}
	state.timeoflastevent = now()

//Used to check for other schedule functions that share may share the same set time
def SearchSchedulePoints(time) {
for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numscheduled; i++) {
	def Modes = settings["smodes$i"]
    if (Modes == null) {Modes = location.mode}
    def Days = settings["sdays$i"]
    if (Days == null) {Days = TodayAsString()}
	if(timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone) == timeToday(time,location.timeZone) && Modes.contains(location.mode) && Days.contains(TodayAsString())) {
        return i
	return 0


//Runs at scheduled setpoints to determine whether a setpoint should be executed; if yes, calls thermostat commander to execute command
def ScheduleExecuter() {
	int i = state.scheduledindex
state.timeoflastevent = now()
	def valid = false
def Modes = settings["smodes$i"]
if (Modes == null) {Modes = location.mode}    
	valid = true
} else {
	i = SearchSchedulePoints(settings["stime$i"]) 
    if (i > 0) {valid = true}
	if (valid) {
	state.failedcommandcount = 0
    state.pendingindex = i
    ThermostatCommander(settings."sheatset${i}", settings."scoolset${i}", settings.snotifications, "per scheduled setpoint.$state.schedulestring")
	} else {
		if (state.notificationlevel>1) {sendNotificationEvent("Scheduled setpoint for $thermostat.label not executed because the current home mode, $location.mode, does not match a setpoint mode.$state.schedulestring.")}
state.schedulestring = ""

//Runs ahead of scheduled setpoints, based on user entered early start settings, to determine whether a setpoint should be executed; if yes, calls thermostat commander to execute command
def EarlyStartExecuter() {

	try {unschedule(EarlyStartExecuter)       
	} catch(ev) {}

state.timeoflastevent = now()

int i = state.scheduledindex
	def valid = false
def Modes = settings["smodes$i"]
def thermostatmodewillbe = settings.thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode")

if (Modes == null) {Modes = location.mode}    
	valid = true
} else {
	i = SearchSchedulePoints(settings["stime$i"]) 
    if (i > 0) {valid = true}

if (valid) {
	def currentTemp = settings.thermostat.latestValue("temperature")
	if (currentTemp > settings."scoolset${i}" && settings.auto != "Never") {
			thermostatmodwillbe = "cool"
		} else if (currentTemp < settings."sheatset${i}" && settings.auto != "Never") {
			thermostatmodewillbe = "heat"
   	if (thermostatmodewillbe == "heat" && settings.earlyheatingtemp  == null) {valid = false} 
    if (thermostatemodewillbe == "cool" && settings.earlycoolingtemp  == null) {valid = false} 
	} else if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat determined it should not start heating or cooling because the current home mode, $location.mode, does not match a setpoint mode.")}
	if (valid) {
	def outtemp = settings.outsidetemp.currentValue("temperature")
    def currentheatsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")
    def currentcoolsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("coolingSetpoint")
    def newheatsetpoint = settings."sheatset${i}"
    def newcoolsetpoint = settings."scoolset${i}"
	if (settings.earlyheating && thermostatmodewillbe == "heat" && outtemp < settings.earlyheatingtemp && newheatsetpoint > currentheatsetpoint) {
        state.failedcommandcount = 0
    	state.pendingindex = i
    	ThermostatCommander(settings."sheatset${i}", 0, settings.snotifications, "to start heating early because the outside air temperature is $outtemp")    
		} else if (settings.earlycooling && thermostatmodewillbe == "cool" && outtemp > settings.earlycoolingtemp && newcoolsetpoint < currentcoolsetpoint) {
        state.failedcommandcount = 0
    	state.pendingindex = i
    	ThermostatCommander(0, settings."scoolset${i}", settings.snotifications, "to start cooling early because the outside air temperature is $outtemp")          
    } else if (state.notificationlevel>2) {
    	if (thermostatmodewillbe == "heat") {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat determined it should not start heating early since either the outside temperature ($outtemp) is not below the threshold you set or the scheduled setpoint ($newheatsetpoint) is not warmer than the current setpoint ($currentheatsetpoint).")}
    	if (thermostatmodewillbe == "cool") {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat determined it should not start cooling early since either the outside temperature ($outtemp) is not above the threshold you set or the scheduled setpoint ($newcoolsetpoint) is not cooler than the current setpoint ($currentcoolsetpoint).")}

//Sends commands to the thermostat
def ThermostatCommander(hvalue, cvalue, notifications, notificationphrase) { 
	state.timeoflastevent = now()
	if((hvalue == null) || (cvalue == null)) {return}
if (settings.auto != "Never") {ThermostatModeSetter(hvalue, cvalue, 0)}   

	def notificationstring = "" 
state.checkcommandstring = ""
def thermMode = thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode")
def name = thermostat.label

def currentheatsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")
def currentcoolsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("coolingSetpoint")  

if ("$currentcoolsetpoint" != "$cvalue") {state.checkcommandstring = "c"}
if ("$currentheatsetpoint" != "$hvalue") {state.checkcommandstring = "h$state.checkcommandstring"}
log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: check string is $state.checkcommandstring; values are $currentcoolsetpoint and $currentheatsetpoint"

def primarysetpoint = hvalue
if (thermMode == "cool") {primarysetpoint = cvalue}
	if (thermMode == "heat" || thermMode == "cool") {notificationstring = "$name set to $primarysetpoint in $thermMode mode $notificationphrase."}
else {notificationstring = "$name set to $hvalue / $cvalue $notificationphrase."}

if (settings.fnotifications && state.checkcommandstring != "") (runIn(30 + state.failedcommandcount*60, CommandIntegrityChecker))

if (hvalue!=0) {
		log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: Heat command set to $hvalue"
if (cvalue!=0) {
		log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: Cool command set to $cvalue"
if (notifications && state.failedcommandcount==0) {
} else if (state.notificationlevel>0 && state.failedcommandcount==0) {
    if (state.checkcommandstring == "" && state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$name confirmed that it was already set to $primarysetpoint in $thermMode mode.")}
if (state.checkcommandstring == "") {log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: $name confirmed that it was already set to $primarysetpoint in $thermMode mode"}

//Auto Sets Thermostat Mode
def ThermostatModeSetter(hvalue, cvalue, notifications) {
	if (hvalue==0 || cvalue==0) {return}
def currentTemp = settings.thermostat.latestValue("temperature")
if (currentTemp > cvalue && settings.thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode") != "cool") {
		if (notifications > 0) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label mode changed to cooling when temperature reached $currentTemp")}
	} else if (currentTemp < hvalue && settings.thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode") != "heat") {
		if (notifications > 0) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label mode changed to heating when temperature fell to $currentTemp")}


//Determines whether the last scheduled setpoint was executed; if not, reinitializes or sends missed command
def SchedulerIntegrityChecker() {
	def i = state.scheduledindex
	if ((settings.numscheduled == 0) || (settings.son == false)) {return}
	if (state.dayoflastrun != TodayAsString()) {
	if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat midnight scheduler did't run; re-initializing")}
	} else if ((state.nextscheduledtime < now()-90000) && state.nextscheduledtime > 0 && timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone) < now()) {
	if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat scheduler did't run at ${(new Date(state.nextscheduledtime)).format("EEEEEEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm z", location.timeZone)} as it was supposed to have.")}

//Determines whether commands sent to the thermostat have been properly acknowledged; if not, calls thermostat commander to reissue failed command(s)
def CommandIntegrityChecker() {
	state.timeoflastevent = now()
	if (state.pendingindex == 0) {return}
	def currentheatsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")
def currentcoolsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("coolingSetpoint")
	def thermMode = thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode")
def lastheatcommand = IndexLookUp("heat")
	def lastcoolcommand = IndexLookUp("cool")
def failedstring = ""
log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: $thermostat.label heating setpoint was commanded to $lastheatcommand and is currently $currentheatsetpoint; cooling setpoint was commanded to $lastcoolcommand and is currently $currentcoolsetpoint"    
if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label heating setpoint was commanded to $lastheatcommand and is currently $currentheatsetpoint; cooling setpoint was commanded to $lastcoolcommand and is currently $currentcoolsetpoint")}
	if (("$currentheatsetpoint" == "$lastheatcommand") && ("$currentcoolsetpoint" == "$lastcoolcommand")) {
    def temp = IndexLookUp(thermMode)
    log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: $thermostat.label acknowledged $thermMode setpoint change to $temp."
    if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label acknowledged $thermMode setpoint change to $temp.")}

state.failedcommandcount = state.failedcommandcount + 1
log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: Thermostat command failed on attempt $state.failedcommandcount"

	if ("$currentheatsetpoint" != "$lastheatcommand" && "$currentcoolsetpoint" != "$lastcoolcommand" && state.checkcommandstring == "hc") {
		if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label did not acknowledge setpoint commands on attempt $state.failedcommandcount.")}
		failedstring = "$thermostat.label is non-responsive to setpoint commands."
		ThermostatCommander(lastheatcommand, lastcoolcommand, false, "")
	} else if ("$currentheatsetpoint" != "$lastheatcommand" && (state.checkcommandstring == "hc" || state.checkcommandstring == "h")) {
	if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label did not acknowledge command to set heating to $lastheatcommand on attempt $state.failedcommandcount.")}
		if (thermMode == "heat") {failedstring = "$thermostat.label is non-responsive to heat setpoint commands."}
		ThermostatCommander(lastheatcommand, 0, false, "")    
} else if ("$currentcoolsetpoint" != "$lastcoolcommand" && (state.checkcommandstring == "hc" || state.checkcommandstring == "c")) {
    if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label did not acknowledge command to set cooling to $lastcoolcommand on attempt $state.failedcommandcount.")}
		if (thermMode == "cool") failedstring = "$thermostat.label is non-responsive to cool setpoint commands."
		ThermostatCommander(0, lastcoolcommand, false, "")

	if (state.failedcommandcount == 4) {
		state.failedcommandcount = 0
    state.pendingindex = 0
	if (failedstring != "") {sendPush(failedstring)}


//Runs every time a mode change is detected.  Used to execute mode-based setpoints; also used to trigger schedule integrity checks in case all scheduled functions have failed
def modeChangeHandler(evt) {
if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat detected home mode change to $evt.value.")}	
	for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numevent; i++) {
    def ScheduledDays = settings["edays$i"]
    if (ScheduledDays == null) {ScheduledDays = TodayAsString()}
    if ((evt.value == settings["emodes$i"]) && (ScheduledDays.contains(TodayAsString()))) {
			state.failedcommandcount = 0
        state.pendingindex = -i
        ThermostatCommander(settings."eheatset${i}", settings."ecoolset${i}", settings.enotifications, "with change to $evt.value")
    	i = settings.numevent + 1

//Runs every time the temperature reported by the thermostat changes.  Used to trigger schedule integrity checks in case all scheduled functions have failed.
def tempChangeHandler(evt) {
if (settings.auto == "Any time") {ThermostatModeSetter(settings.thermostat.latestValue("heatingSetpoint"), settings.thermostat.latestValue("coolingSetpoint"), state.notificationlevel)}

//---- OTHER

//Returns the setpoint temperature associated with a settings index
def IndexLookUp(mode) {
	def result = 0
	if (mode == "cool") {
		if (state.pendingindex > 0) {result = settings."scoolset${state.pendingindex}"}
	if (state.pendingindex < 0) {result = settings."ecoolset${-state.pendingindex}"}
	} else if (mode == "heat") {
		if (state.pendingindex > 0) {result = settings."sheatset${state.pendingindex}"}
   		if (state.pendingindex < 0) {result = settings."eheatset${-state.pendingindex}"}
	return result

//Returns the current day of the week as a string
def TodayAsString() {
	return (new Date(now())).format("EEEEEEE", location.timeZone)

//Returns time as a string in 12 hour format
def DisplayTime(time) {
	def tz = location.timeZone
def hour = time.format("H",tz)
	def min = time.format("m",tz)
	def sec = time.format("s",tz)
	def ampm = "am"        
	def hournum = hour.toInteger()
	def minnum = min.toInteger()
	if (hournum == 0) {hournum = 12}
	if (hournum > 12) {
		hournum = hournum - 12
		ampm = "pm"
	if (minnum < 10) {min = "0$min"}   
	return "$hournum:$min $ampm"

I love the app! But, I need to make a duplicate copy for a second thermostat and I can’t figure out away.

Thanks! - glad you like it.

As I only have one thermostat myself, I can’t verify that this indeed works, but I think it should. Assuming you have already published the app in your IDE environment and set up with one thermostat, then in the Smartthings App:

  • go to Marketplace (bottom right)
  • scroll to the bottom and go to “+ My Apps”
  • scroll and find “Programmable Thermostat”
  • you should be able to set it up from here with a new thermostat

Hopefully that works for you!

This is great, exactly what I was looking for!


Glad you like it - hope it has been working well for you!

I’m new to smartthings how do I get this to my apps? Sounds like what I’m looking for. Any help would be appreciated.

RBoy has a detailed instruction on his website here http://smartthings.rboyapps.com/InstallSA.htm on how to install SmartApp.

It’s a great SmartApp. It’s the only App that I’ve used that allows me to set arbitrary number of temperature setpoints in arbitrary number of days and/or with mode switches. The only problem I had was that it didn’t allow me to assign different names for different schedules for different days or thermostats eg. I have 3 schedules Mon-Wed-Fri, Tues-Thur and Weekend, and two thermostats. So it gets confusing pretty quickly. So I made a 3 line change to the code that allows me to change the name. Here is the modified code. Thanks OP for the original code.

 *  Programmable Thermostat
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
name: "Programmable Thermostat",
namespace: "smartthings",
author: "Ray C",
description: "A full-featured, easy to use interface for programming your thermostat based on schedule setpoints and mode changes",
category: "Convenience",
iconUrl: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience.png",
iconX2Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png",
iconX3Url: "https://s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-icons/Convenience/Cat-Convenience@2x.png"

preferences {
	page(name:"Settings", title:"Settings", uninstall:true, install:true ) {
		section() {
			input (name:"thermostat", type: "capability.thermostat", title: "Select thermostat", required: true, multiple: false)
	section ("Scheduled Setpoints", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
	    	input (name: "son", type: "bool", title: "Run scheduled setpoints", required:true)
			input (name:"numscheduled", title: "Number of scheduled setpoints", type: "number",refreshAfterSelection: true)
			href(title: "Schedule Setpoints", page: "ScheduledChanges")
	section ("Mode-Based Setpoints", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
			input (name: "eon", type: "bool", title: "Run mode-based setpoints", required:true)
			input (name:"numevent", title: "Number of mode-based setpoints", type: "number",refreshAfterSelection: true)
			href(title: "Mode-Based Setpoints Setpoints", page: "EventBasedChanges")
	section("Additional Features", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
    	input (name: "auto", type: "enum", title: "Adjust thermostat heating/cooling mode based on current temperature and setpoint", required:true, multiple: false, options: ['Never','When setpoints are executed','Any time']) 
			href(title: "Set the thremostat to start heating or cooling earlier than scheduled based on the temperature outside", page: "EarlyStart")
			input (name: "fnotifications", type: "bool", title: "Resend commands not acknowledged by the theromstat and notify after multiple failed attempts.", required:true)
			paragraph "When the above feature is enabled, the app will monitor the thermostat for positive confirmation that a sent command has been executed.  If it was not executed, several attempts will be made to resend the command.  This can make execution of commands more reliable.  If the thermostat fails to respond after multiple attempts, a push notication will alert the user that the thermostat is not responsive to commands.  This feature may not compatible with all thermostats and should be disabled if every command results in a failure notification."
	section("Notifications", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
			input (name: "snotifications", type: "bool", title: "Notify when scheduled setpoints execute", required:true)
        input (name: "enotifications", type: "bool", title: "Notify when mode-based setpoints execute", required:true)
        input (name: "eventlogging", type: "enum", title: "Set the level of event logging in the notification feed", required:true, multiple: false, options: ['None','Normal','Detailed','Debug'])
   //section("Command Acknowledgement Failure Response and Notification", hideable: true, hidden: true) {
	section([mobileOnly:true]) {
		label title: "Assign a name", required: false
page(name: "ScheduledChanges")
page(name: "EventBasedChanges")
page(name: "EarlyStart")

def ScheduledChanges() {
	dynamicPage(name: "ScheduledChanges", uninstall: true, install: false) {
		for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numscheduled; i++) {
			section("Scheduled Setpoint $i") {
				input "stime${i}", "time", title: "At this time:", required: true
   			input "sheatset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this heating temperature:", required: true
    		input "scoolset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this cooling temperature:", required: true
    		input "sdays${i}", "enum", title: "Only on these days (no selection is equivalent to selecting all):", required: false, multiple: true, options: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']
    		input "smodes${i}", "mode", title: "Only in these modes (no selection is equivalent to selecting all):", multiple: true, required: false       

def EventBasedChanges() {
	dynamicPage(name: "EventBasedChanges", uninstall: true, install: false) {
		for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numevent; i++) {
			section("Mode-Based Setpoint $i") {
				input "emodes${i}", "mode", title: "On transition to this mode:", multiple: false, required: true
				input "eheatset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this heating temperature:", required: true
	    		input "ecoolset${i}", "decimal", title: "Set this cooling temperature:", required: true
            input "edays${i}", "enum", title: "Only on these days (no selection is equivalent to selecting all):", required: false, multiple: true, options: ['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday']

def EarlyStart() {
	dynamicPage(name: "EarlyStart", uninstall: true, install: false) {
		section("Start Heating Early") {
	    	input (name: "earlyheating", type: "bool", title: "When it is below a specified temperature outside, send heating commands earlier than scheduled", required:true)
			input (name:"earlyheatingtemp", title: "Start heating early when the outside temperature is below this:", type: "number", required: false)
    section("Start Cooling Early") {
	    	input (name: "earlycooling", type: "bool", title: "When it is above a specified temperature outside, send cooling commands earlier than scheduled", required:true)
			input (name:"earlycoolingtemp", title: "Start cooling early when the outside temperature is below this:", type: "number", required: false)
    section("Settings") {
     	input (name:"earlymins", title: "When starting heating or cooling early, start this many minutes early:", type: "number", required: false)
			input (name:"outsidetemp", type: "capability.temperatureMeasurement", title: "Select an outside temperature source", required: false, multiple: false)
			paragraph "NOTE: If you do not have an outdoor temperature sensor, you can add a virtual sensor by installing the AccuWeather Connect Smartapp.  To do so, use the Smartthings mobile app, navigate to Marketplace > SmartApps > Climate Control > AccuWeather Connect and fill out the required fields.  Then return to this app, where AccuWeather will be available in the menu of temperature sources."


def installed() {initialize()}

def updated() {initialize()}

def initialize() {
	try {
} catch(e) {
	try {
    } catch(ev) {}    

subscribe(settings.thermostat, "temperature", tempChangeHandler)
if ((settings.numevent > 0) && (settings.eon)) {subscribe(location, modeChangeHandler)}

state.scheduledindex = 0
state.pendingindex = 0
	state.dayoflastrun = TodayAsString()
state.timeoflastevent = now()
state.nextscheduledtime = now()
state.failedcommandcount = 0
state.schedulestring = ""
state.checkcommandstring = ""

state.eventlogging = 0
if (settings.eventlogging == "Normal"){state.notificationlevel = 1}
if (settings.eventlogging == "Detailed"){state.notificationlevel = 2}
if (settings.eventlogging == "Debug"){state.notificationlevel = 3}

if ((settings.numscheduled > 0) && (settings.son)) {
	schedule(timeToday("2015-08-04T00:00:00.000",location.timeZone), MidnightRunner)
	log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: successfully initialized."
if (state.notificationlevel>0) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat successfully initialized.$state.schedulestring.")}
	state.schedulestring = ""


//At midnight, runs scheduler function to set the first scheduled event of the new day
def MidnightRunner() {
	state.dayoflastrun = TodayAsString()
state.timeoflastevent = now()
try {
	} catch(ev) {}
def i = SearchSchedulePoints("2015-08-04T00:00:00.000")
if (i>0) {ThermostatCommander(settings."sheatset${i}", settings."scoolset${i}", settings.snotifications, "per scheduled setpoint.$state.schedulestring")}

//Determines and schedules the next scheduled setpoint
def SchedulerFunction(){
	def mindiff = 60*60*1000*24*7 
def timeNow = now()
   	def todaystring = TodayAsString()
	for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numscheduled; i++) {
    def ScheduledTime = timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone)
    def ScheduledDays = settings["sdays$i"]
    if (ScheduledDays == null) {ScheduledDays = TodayAsString()}
 		if (ScheduledTime != null) {
    	if ((ScheduledTime.time >= timeNow) && (ScheduledDays.contains(TodayAsString())) && (ScheduledTime.time - timeNow < mindiff)){
            mindiff = ScheduledTime.time - timeNow
            state.scheduledindex = i
if (mindiff < 60*60*1000*24*7) {
	int i = state.scheduledindex
	def nextrun = timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone)
    state.nextscheduledtime = nextrun.time
    def nextrunstring = DisplayTime(nextrun)
    runOnce(nextrun, ScheduleExecuter)
 		if((settings.earlyheating || settings.earlycooling) && settings.outsidetemp != null && settings.earlymins != null) {
   		try {
    	} catch(ev) {}
        def earlytime = nextrun.time - settings.earlymins*1000*60

        if (earlytime > timeNow) {
        	schedule(earlytime, EarlyStartExecuter)
            if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Based on early heating settings, Programmable Thermostat is scheduled to check the outside temperature $settings.earlymins minutes prior to the next schedule point at $nextrunstring.")}
			} else if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat did not scheduled an early start to heating or cooling because the time of the early start would have been before the current time.")}
		if (state.notificationlevel>1) {state.schedulestring=" Next scheduled setpoint for $thermostat.label is today at $nextrunstring"}
	} else {
    log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: There are no other scheduled setpoints for $thermostat.label today"
    state.nextscheduledtime = -1
		if (state.notificationlevel>1) {state.schedulestring=" There are no remaining scheduled setpoints for $thermostat.label today"}
	state.timeoflastevent = now()

//Used to check for other schedule functions that share may share the same set time
def SearchSchedulePoints(time) {
for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numscheduled; i++) {
	def Modes = settings["smodes$i"]
    if (Modes == null) {Modes = location.mode}
    def Days = settings["sdays$i"]
    if (Days == null) {Days = TodayAsString()}
	if(timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone) == timeToday(time,location.timeZone) && Modes.contains(location.mode) && Days.contains(TodayAsString())) {
        return i
	return 0


//Runs at scheduled setpoints to determine whether a setpoint should be executed; if yes, calls thermostat commander to execute command
def ScheduleExecuter() {
	int i = state.scheduledindex
state.timeoflastevent = now()
	def valid = false
def Modes = settings["smodes$i"]
if (Modes == null) {Modes = location.mode}    
	valid = true
} else {
	i = SearchSchedulePoints(settings["stime$i"]) 
    if (i > 0) {valid = true}
	if (valid) {
	state.failedcommandcount = 0
    state.pendingindex = i
    ThermostatCommander(settings."sheatset${i}", settings."scoolset${i}", settings.snotifications, "per scheduled setpoint.$state.schedulestring")
	} else {
		if (state.notificationlevel>1) {sendNotificationEvent("Scheduled setpoint for $thermostat.label not executed because the current home mode, $location.mode, does not match a setpoint mode.$state.schedulestring.")}
state.schedulestring = ""

//Runs ahead of scheduled setpoints, based on user entered early start settings, to determine whether a setpoint should be executed; if yes, calls thermostat commander to execute command
def EarlyStartExecuter() {

	try {unschedule(EarlyStartExecuter)       
	} catch(ev) {}

state.timeoflastevent = now()

int i = state.scheduledindex
	def valid = false
def Modes = settings["smodes$i"]
def thermostatmodewillbe = settings.thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode")

if (Modes == null) {Modes = location.mode}    
	valid = true
} else {
	i = SearchSchedulePoints(settings["stime$i"]) 
    if (i > 0) {valid = true}

if (valid) {
	def currentTemp = settings.thermostat.latestValue("temperature")
	if (currentTemp > settings."scoolset${i}" && settings.auto != "Never") {
			thermostatmodwillbe = "cool"
		} else if (currentTemp < settings."sheatset${i}" && settings.auto != "Never") {
			thermostatmodewillbe = "heat"
   	if (thermostatmodewillbe == "heat" && settings.earlyheatingtemp  == null) {valid = false} 
    if (thermostatemodewillbe == "cool" && settings.earlycoolingtemp  == null) {valid = false} 
	} else if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat determined it should not start heating or cooling because the current home mode, $location.mode, does not match a setpoint mode.")}
	if (valid) {
	def outtemp = settings.outsidetemp.currentValue("temperature")
    def currentheatsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")
    def currentcoolsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("coolingSetpoint")
    def newheatsetpoint = settings."sheatset${i}"
    def newcoolsetpoint = settings."scoolset${i}"
	if (settings.earlyheating && thermostatmodewillbe == "heat" && outtemp < settings.earlyheatingtemp && newheatsetpoint > currentheatsetpoint) {
        state.failedcommandcount = 0
    	state.pendingindex = i
    	ThermostatCommander(settings."sheatset${i}", 0, settings.snotifications, "to start heating early because the outside air temperature is $outtemp")    
		} else if (settings.earlycooling && thermostatmodewillbe == "cool" && outtemp > settings.earlycoolingtemp && newcoolsetpoint < currentcoolsetpoint) {
        state.failedcommandcount = 0
    	state.pendingindex = i
    	ThermostatCommander(0, settings."scoolset${i}", settings.snotifications, "to start cooling early because the outside air temperature is $outtemp")          
    } else if (state.notificationlevel>2) {
    	if (thermostatmodewillbe == "heat") {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat determined it should not start heating early since either the outside temperature ($outtemp) is not below the threshold you set or the scheduled setpoint ($newheatsetpoint) is not warmer than the current setpoint ($currentheatsetpoint).")}
    	if (thermostatmodewillbe == "cool") {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat determined it should not start cooling early since either the outside temperature ($outtemp) is not above the threshold you set or the scheduled setpoint ($newcoolsetpoint) is not cooler than the current setpoint ($currentcoolsetpoint).")}

//Sends commands to the thermostat
def ThermostatCommander(hvalue, cvalue, notifications, notificationphrase) { 
	state.timeoflastevent = now()
	if((hvalue == null) || (cvalue == null)) {return}
if (settings.auto != "Never") {ThermostatModeSetter(hvalue, cvalue, 0)}   

	def notificationstring = "" 
state.checkcommandstring = ""
def thermMode = thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode")
def name = thermostat.label

def currentheatsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")
def currentcoolsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("coolingSetpoint")  

if ("$currentcoolsetpoint" != "$cvalue") {state.checkcommandstring = "c"}
if ("$currentheatsetpoint" != "$hvalue") {state.checkcommandstring = "h$state.checkcommandstring"}
log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: check string is $state.checkcommandstring; values are $currentcoolsetpoint and $currentheatsetpoint"

def primarysetpoint = hvalue
if (thermMode == "cool") {primarysetpoint = cvalue}
	if (thermMode == "heat" || thermMode == "cool") {notificationstring = "$name set to $primarysetpoint in $thermMode mode $notificationphrase."}
else {notificationstring = "$name set to $hvalue / $cvalue $notificationphrase."}

if (settings.fnotifications && state.checkcommandstring != "") (runIn(30 + state.failedcommandcount*60, CommandIntegrityChecker))

if (hvalue!=0) {
		log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: Heat command set to $hvalue"
if (cvalue!=0) {
		log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: Cool command set to $cvalue"
if (notifications && state.failedcommandcount==0) {
} else if (state.notificationlevel>0 && state.failedcommandcount==0) {
    if (state.checkcommandstring == "" && state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$name confirmed that it was already set to $primarysetpoint in $thermMode mode.")}
if (state.checkcommandstring == "") {log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: $name confirmed that it was already set to $primarysetpoint in $thermMode mode"}

//Auto Sets Thermostat Mode
def ThermostatModeSetter(hvalue, cvalue, notifications) {
	if (hvalue==0 || cvalue==0) {return}
def currentTemp = settings.thermostat.latestValue("temperature")
if (currentTemp > cvalue && settings.thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode") != "cool") {
		if (notifications > 0) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label mode changed to cooling when temperature reached $currentTemp")}
	} else if (currentTemp < hvalue && settings.thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode") != "heat") {
		if (notifications > 0) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label mode changed to heating when temperature fell to $currentTemp")}


//Determines whether the last scheduled setpoint was executed; if not, reinitializes or sends missed command
def SchedulerIntegrityChecker() {
	def i = state.scheduledindex
	if ((settings.numscheduled == 0) || (settings.son == false)) {return}
	if (state.dayoflastrun != TodayAsString()) {
	if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat midnight scheduler did't run; re-initializing")}
	} else if ((state.nextscheduledtime < now()-90000) && state.nextscheduledtime > 0 && timeToday(settings["stime$i"],location.timeZone) < now()) {
	if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat scheduler did't run at ${(new Date(state.nextscheduledtime)).format("EEEEEEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm z", location.timeZone)} as it was supposed to have.")}

//Determines whether commands sent to the thermostat have been properly acknowledged; if not, calls thermostat commander to reissue failed command(s)
def CommandIntegrityChecker() {
	state.timeoflastevent = now()
	if (state.pendingindex == 0) {return}
	def currentheatsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("heatingSetpoint")
def currentcoolsetpoint = settings.thermostat.currentValue("coolingSetpoint")
	def thermMode = thermostat.currentValue("thermostatMode")
def lastheatcommand = IndexLookUp("heat")
	def lastcoolcommand = IndexLookUp("cool")
def failedstring = ""
log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: $thermostat.label heating setpoint was commanded to $lastheatcommand and is currently $currentheatsetpoint; cooling setpoint was commanded to $lastcoolcommand and is currently $currentcoolsetpoint"    
if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label heating setpoint was commanded to $lastheatcommand and is currently $currentheatsetpoint; cooling setpoint was commanded to $lastcoolcommand and is currently $currentcoolsetpoint")}
	if (("$currentheatsetpoint" == "$lastheatcommand") && ("$currentcoolsetpoint" == "$lastcoolcommand")) {
    def temp = IndexLookUp(thermMode)
    log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: $thermostat.label acknowledged $thermMode setpoint change to $temp."
    if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label acknowledged $thermMode setpoint change to $temp.")}

state.failedcommandcount = state.failedcommandcount + 1
log.debug "Programmable Thermostat: Thermostat command failed on attempt $state.failedcommandcount"

	if ("$currentheatsetpoint" != "$lastheatcommand" && "$currentcoolsetpoint" != "$lastcoolcommand" && state.checkcommandstring == "hc") {
		if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label did not acknowledge setpoint commands on attempt $state.failedcommandcount.")}
		failedstring = "$thermostat.label is non-responsive to setpoint commands."
		ThermostatCommander(lastheatcommand, lastcoolcommand, false, "")
	} else if ("$currentheatsetpoint" != "$lastheatcommand" && (state.checkcommandstring == "hc" || state.checkcommandstring == "h")) {
	if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label did not acknowledge command to set heating to $lastheatcommand on attempt $state.failedcommandcount.")}
		if (thermMode == "heat") {failedstring = "$thermostat.label is non-responsive to heat setpoint commands."}
		ThermostatCommander(lastheatcommand, 0, false, "")    
} else if ("$currentcoolsetpoint" != "$lastcoolcommand" && (state.checkcommandstring == "hc" || state.checkcommandstring == "c")) {
    if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("$thermostat.label did not acknowledge command to set cooling to $lastcoolcommand on attempt $state.failedcommandcount.")}
		if (thermMode == "cool") failedstring = "$thermostat.label is non-responsive to cool setpoint commands."
		ThermostatCommander(0, lastcoolcommand, false, "")

	if (state.failedcommandcount == 4) {
		state.failedcommandcount = 0
    state.pendingindex = 0
	if (failedstring != "") {sendPush(failedstring)}


//Runs every time a mode change is detected.  Used to execute mode-based setpoints; also used to trigger schedule integrity checks in case all scheduled functions have failed
def modeChangeHandler(evt) {
if (state.notificationlevel>2) {sendNotificationEvent("Programmable Thermostat detected home mode change to $evt.value.")}	
	for (int i = 1; i <= settings.numevent; i++) {
    def ScheduledDays = settings["edays$i"]
    if (ScheduledDays == null) {ScheduledDays = TodayAsString()}
    if ((evt.value == settings["emodes$i"]) && (ScheduledDays.contains(TodayAsString()))) {
			state.failedcommandcount = 0
        state.pendingindex = -i
        ThermostatCommander(settings."eheatset${i}", settings."ecoolset${i}", settings.enotifications, "with change to $evt.value")
    	i = settings.numevent + 1

//Runs every time the temperature reported by the thermostat changes.  Used to trigger schedule integrity checks in case all scheduled functions have failed.
def tempChangeHandler(evt) {
if (settings.auto == "Any time") {ThermostatModeSetter(settings.thermostat.latestValue("heatingSetpoint"), settings.thermostat.latestValue("coolingSetpoint"), state.notificationlevel)}

//---- OTHER

//Returns the setpoint temperature associated with a settings index
def IndexLookUp(mode) {
	def result = 0
	if (mode == "cool") {
		if (state.pendingindex > 0) {result = settings."scoolset${state.pendingindex}"}
	if (state.pendingindex < 0) {result = settings."ecoolset${-state.pendingindex}"}
	} else if (mode == "heat") {
		if (state.pendingindex > 0) {result = settings."sheatset${state.pendingindex}"}
   		if (state.pendingindex < 0) {result = settings."eheatset${-state.pendingindex}"}
	return result

//Returns the current day of the week as a string
def TodayAsString() {
	return (new Date(now())).format("EEEEEEE", location.timeZone)

//Returns time as a string in 12 hour format
def DisplayTime(time) {
	def tz = location.timeZone
def hour = time.format("H",tz)
	def min = time.format("m",tz)
	def sec = time.format("s",tz)
	def ampm = "am"        
	def hournum = hour.toInteger()
	def minnum = min.toInteger()
	if (hournum == 0) {hournum = 12}
	if (hournum > 12) {
		hournum = hournum - 12
		ampm = "pm"
	if (minnum < 10) {min = "0$min"}   
	return "$hournum:$min $ampm"

Thanks I appreciate the response!

Brian Paternoster
Honda of Riverhead

Phone: 631-727-5510

Fax: 631-727-5425

Glad to hear the app is getting used, and nice addition of a naming feature!