This is the current thread. Generally @625alex creates a new one and mentions it on the old one when a new release comes out. With @tgauchat on board now with him, you can be sure of it.
I’s hard to believe how quickly time flies… ActiON Dashboard was in the making for over 6 months. It started as a curiosity, just a toy. It grew with demand, and evolved with the SmartThings community. Driven by the overwhelming support of the community, I envisioned a product that would augment the SmartThings platform with an elegant and accessible user interface. The software that is released today is a product of the entire community, hundreds of users who gave it a chance, provided feedback and tested it in every way imaginable.
Thank you, SmartThings community!
Today, I launch to give ActiON Dashboard a home! This site will house supporting information and knowledge base. Most importantly, ActiON Dashboard can now be installed via a web service, so you never need t…