I have “Z-Wave Sensor” for detecting smoke\gas leaks. Sensor is paired and works correctly. But it sends to Hub only “active” or “inactive” statuses. I would like to create a routine for automate some events when smoke is detected, like turn on siren, push notification.
I didn’t find any predefined routines (in Automation tab, Add a Routine) for my device and active\inactive statuses.
Tried every type of events and Custom. Can’t find my “Z-Wave Sensor” type. I think that is because it doesn’t have any type like security, leaks, doors etc.
instead of making a work around, why not write (or find someone to write) a device handler that properly handles this device and has the properly defined capabilities so it works with existing apps.
Webcore isn’t going to help until you can find out what zwave commandsets the device supports.
There’s something odd about this brand. They advertise with the Z wave logo, but I’ve never been able to find a conformance statement for them (which would list the commandsets that the device supports).
My first goal is to create an automation for this sensor, to notify me and family about danger and do some preventive things like camera screenshot, push notification etc.
Next will be good to know what exactly happened like what type of gas or maybe device health report if possible.
Have I tried what? Change a device type? Yep, I tried to change to “Z-Wave Basic Smoke Alarm” and device didn’t work at all with this type. Will try to test with “Z-Wave Plus” in evening.
Did I try to test device with the different type of smoke\gas - nope, only cigarette smoke. Will try to test with gas. Not sure how to reproduce a CO.
Are you seeing a state change from inactive to active when testing on the current device type?
The post JD linked to suggests that device type ‘Zwave Smoke Alarm’ is reporting a state change, be it the incorrect alarm description, but this could at least trigger a general alarm for now.
There is no state change on “Z-Wave Smoke Alarm” when testing. I able to see some messages in logs but it seems that device handler is unable to parse it correctly.
After re-attaching a device it was recognized by Hub as “Z-Wave Sensor” and with this type Hub detects only active\inactive statuse change when testing.