Change wifi network on v3 hub

How to change wifi network on the v3 hub? Just got mesh wifi and want to change the v3 hub to that network to disable the old hub wireless and cannot change, I go to change wireless information, follow the instructions and the light blinks yellow for some seconds and goes back to green and don’t give time to scan the QR code and change the network. I think I did a network change some months back and now cannot change. What can I do to change to the new network?

Did that , it blink orange or yellow and when I go to scan the QR the led goes to green, I scan the QR but it fails to pass to the next step.

Hi Guys,

I have a new router/wifi hub and before i shut down my old one I need to move my V3 Smarthings hub over to the new network.

I found this old thread but the link doesn’t work.

Can anyone tell me how to switch networks please?

I always found the easiest method is to shut down the old wifi and turn on the new one with the same SSID names and passwords and let all your devices connect.

I don’t have a v3 hub and could not locate the link to instructions. Have you tried opening the hub in the ST app and looking there for the wifi settings… go to the Devices section, click on the Home in the upper left of the screen, choose All Devices from that menu and locate your hub and open it. Maybe in tHe 3 dots in the upper right of the screen.

Only other place I could think to look is in Menu > settings.

Just a guess on my part.

@JDRoberts has links to every support article so he may have that link to share :slight_smile:

They keep moving the articles around, I don’t know where that one is now.

@SamsungZell can probably find the answer. :sunglasses:

Hey there! @IanK, I’d be happy to assist with updating the WiFi that’s used on your V3 Hub. Thanks for the tag @JDRoberts!

The most recent update for the app placed the option to ‘Update WiFi Information’ under the Information Tab located in the v3 Hub Device Menu. This is the pathway that JKP mentioned above. Troubleshooting the symptom, I noticed that this option has since been removed from the information section of the Hubs.

However, you can force a WiFi network change without factory resetting your hub using the steps below. Less than Ideal, but will get your desired outcome of changing the WiFi to the new updated information.

  1. Remove the ethernet cable (if plugged in)
  2. Press and hold the reset button on the back of the Hub
  3. The LED will turn solid blue and then go dark
  4. Hold the reset button for ~15 seconds until the LED rapidly blinks yellow
  5. Release the reset button when it starts blinking yellow
  6. The LED will likely go solid magenta and then briefly solid red
  7. Once the LED is blinking blue, open the SmartThings app
  8. Navigate to Devices and select “Add a device”
  9. Select v3 Hub → SmartThings Hub (IM6001-V3P)
  10. Scan the QR code as directed and finish setup

If the symptom persist and you are still unable to update the wifi information, please reach out to support using the below information and we will be happy to look into your concerns further.

You can reach out directly to a support team in your area using the below information:

US: 1-866-813-2404
UK support 0333 0000333

I hope this message finds you well!



Hi @SamsungZell

Unfortunately that didn’t work. When I press and hold the reset button the light flashes red after a few seconds and then goes back to green.

I tried calling the UK support number and got a recorded message saying send an email.

Unless anyone has another suggestion I guess I’ll have to try email.

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What’s the model number of your hub? It should be on a label on the underside.

My MN is IM6001-V3P02

I did some googling and found another procedure that said to power on the hub whilst holding down the reset button until solid yellow, then wait for alternate green and red.

I just did that and it seemed to work, asking me to initialise the hub and prompting for the WiFi connection.

That’s all done, but all my devices are showing as offline in the App now.

Any further help would be appreciated.

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How long do you press the reset button? Sounds like you performed a hard reset and not a soft reset but @SamsungZell is the expert.

I followed the soft rest process described here…

Yeah, I believe I am wrong on that assumption. :slight_smile:

Give it a little bit of time and see if the hub connects to the ST servers and starts reporting devices as online again.


Well, no improvement yet.

I tried deleting 1 device and adding it again but it can’t be found.

Going from bad to worse.

So I did a reset on that device and then I could add it.

Looks like I’ve got to do that for all my devices :frowning:

Remind me never to change my WiFi router ever again.

I completely understand your frustration. If when clicking on your Hub’s Device Tile, and it displays your location and assigned room, and no other ‘Connected devices’ are listed other than the one you’ve onboarded, unfortunately, it’s been factory resent and you would need to reset up your devices in this scenario.

Due to the Removal of the Power Cord and powering on while holding the reset button for longer than (15) seconds triggered the Factory reset (Solid Yellow) and the red/green blinking was the newly reset hub ready to be claimed from the directions used in the Reddit post.

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Hi @SamsungZell

I dont think it has done a complete reset. If I go to the hub tile in the app - ALL my devices are still showing in the connected devices panel.

Its just that they all appear as offline.

Is there any other way I can get it to connect these devices without having to manually reset them all?

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@IanK, Thank you for confirming that information. I’m glad to see that the Hub is connected and displaying your location/room and connected devices.

The connected devices appearing offline may resolve themselves with a simple reboot of the Hub now that it has connected to your new WiFi and displays your connected devices.

If familiar you can initiate a reboot from the utility menu of your Hub in the IDE Hubs>Utilites>Reboot: or Unplug the hub and plug it back in.

I would give this a try to get the device status online, before manually resetting each device.

I hope this message finds you well!


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I tried that and a few other things but even though they are all listed I could not get them back online.

Eventually gave up and deleted/re-added everything :frowning:

Well here I am 3 years later and I have a new Wifi so need to tackle this issue again. Is there a new procedure that works?

I found an article that said power down the hub then go to hub information in the app, hit reset wifi, power up the hub and press the reset button till it flashes yellow - but mine doesnt ever flash yellow - just red then soilid green and nothing happens in the app. I still have th old router right now but will need to shut that down in a week or so so any clues would be helpful :slight_smile: