In the smartthings app, it says that I am linked, but in Google home there is nothing under linked services. When I go to add smartthings device it just takes me back to the add device screen.
I have tried to uninstall the Google link in my smartthings app also, but nothing happens when I click unistall.
I’m kind of new to smartthings but when you link google home to the ST hub it links your google assistant. If you go into your Home App hit settings then more settings., on the assistant tab click home control then scowl down you should see smartThings which list the devices in ST.
I have similar situation with my Samsung AC unit - it’s not visible in Google Home at all. Screen that you mentioned shows only a dummy scene that I setup in SmartThings app.
AC is setup in SmartThings. I can control it using SmartThings app.
AC unit shows up in Google Home only when I pair it with “Samsung Smart Home” service (instead of pairing it with “SmartThings” service). But… adding it this way gives only ability to turn it on and off in Google Home (no temp control, no modes etc.). I think it’s a bug.