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Smart Home Monitor Custom
New Monitoring Rule
What kind of device -> Temp
Selected all devices that support temp
Temperature greater than 78
Every 30 mins
Send Push Notif/set a phone number/Custom message
Alert w Sirens
gave name too hot and SAVE
says at top Automating Too Hot
BUT I Can’t find the automation, it does not show up under SmartApps or Routines
Click on the little gear icon in the top right of the SHM screen (the one in your screenshot), then click on “custom“ and you will see the custom rules you have already created plus have the option to create a new one.
OK, thanks much for your help!
I DO see it there… I just thought it would show up on the main screen for SmartHome Monitor like the leak sensor. Oh well…
Thanks again.
It’s definitely a confusing design. It seems likely that they wanted to reserve the main screen space for those alerts that could be used with third-party monitoring systems like the official scout integration. Which doesn’t recognize your custom alerts. But who knows?