Cannot login on iPhone App with Google account

I’ve recently switch from and Android phone to iPhone and I’m trying to login to the SmartThings app without success. Unfortunately when I set up my account I did it via Google sign in. Now I don’t have the option to login in the iOS app. When I try to login with my email address it says that I have to use the login with Google option which is not available. How can I fix that?

You can manage your account @

You can turn off Google account there


That worked, thank you!!

How is this a solution? I created my samsung account with Google sign-in and I wish to continue using that option. I have to say so far this is the worst piece of software I have used in a long while. Cannot even register any devices on it. Sitting here staring at my TV and the smarthings just spews out random errors that can’t even be found with google

removing the google sign-in most likely was the result of Apple requiring an Apple login for apps that use google, facebook, etc for signing in (link posted below). Just my guess. As for being unable to add devices… you should start a new thread and provide more details on which model hub, devices (brand/model) and errors so other community members can possibility provide more assistance. Or contact ST support directly.