Can I access video streams with smartthings api

I see in Samsung account there is an Audio/Video sections that includes actions like Start live stream, List live stream etc.

I can’t see any APIs related to these Audio/Video actions in API | Developer Documentation | SmartThings

Is there such an API, and if so where can I find documentations for it?

For context, I have a Tapo camera that I have connected to Smart things. I can see the video stream in the Smart things app, so I’m trying to figure out if I can access that stream with Smart things API.

Is the camera connected via the cloud->cloud Linked Services integration?

yes, logged in to my tplink account from the smartthings app

Then any access to video would have to be provided by the vendor since they are responsible for the integration.

does that mean such an API exist in Smart things?

Where can i find its documentations and is there an example of the kind of camera would be compatible with said API?

No, it means you would need to contact the camera vendor to see if they make that available via an API.

For my current cameras, yes.

As in my original questions, what are the Audio/Video sections in Samsung account suppose to grants permission for?

Your previous answer seems to suggest there is a Smart things API to get these live stream, just that they are not compatible with my camera. So, where can I find the documentations for the API, and what kind / model of cameras could I get to utilize those API?