Bloomsky Weather Station

I found this article today, haven’t had a chance to check it out yet but seems to be a work around for now


Has anyone noticed this when logging into the BloomSky portal?

I was looking for an option to restart it in the app, but couldn’t find it. I think it wants me to go through the whole reconnect process. In BloomSky’s support area I found a message from ccallen55 who has the same problem. The agent says it is probably not necessary.
“I apologize about that, that is just there to alert you of the one off
reading. You do not necessarily have to restart your device.”

I have noticed that my station doesn’t appear to report when it’s raining. It doesn’t report that it’s wet in heavy rain. Anyone think I need to restart, and what is the exact process? No other problems, and my station has never gone offline.

Not seeing the incorrect error but my rain sensor stopped reporting and a quick reboot at the unit solved it. Which kinda sucks because I plan on moving to my chimney, once there reboot will be a PITA.

An in app reboot seems like a must have for something that has a good chance of being mounted out of reach… @Yongfeng_Zhang


No errors here either.

Just got my Bloomsky today, but I am getting nowhere. I’m going through the setup and get to a blinking green wifi light, but means it should be connected to the router, but that is as far as I get. It never finishes setting up. I have done the hard reset several times and it keeps getting stuck there. Any suggestions?

Are you within 5 ft from the router? Seriously it matters, I didn’t believe it but learned my lesson setting up Rachio

Agreed. Always setup a new device nearest the router or hub. It will save you lots of trouble.

I was within 5 feet of the router. I even stood right next to the router and it still didn’t work. I actually just got it to finish, by taking it outside, far away from the router. It may have been a coincidence, but I did a hard reset and started the setup again outside, and it connected right way.

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Glad it all worked out! Join the club!


Most likely, the actual component of that mix that ‘did the trick’ was this…

[quote=“siuengr, post:1219, topic:38202, full:true”]
…I did a hard reset and started the setup again…[/quote]

So far, with at least hundreds of these things under our belts here at ST-Community collectively, there is no discernible reason why it finally works. In my case, with mine as well as with others I’ve helped over the phone, there was absolutely NOTHING done differently in any of the several times that exactly the same process was tried. For whatever reason, on one of the cycles, it just worked.

The only things I need with me now to get one up and running are the point above (i.e. just keep trying it exactly the same over and over until it works), and a copy of the known Color and Blink Codes; which I wrote down throughout my initial install/testing/troubleshooting process and pasted in the following post in the BS-WU thread…

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Is the UV sensor on my BloomSky broken?

The peaks are at night (!!). During the day it reads 0. I think I noticed this after the first cold (high 20’s) night outside. I have also had to re-install the device after BloomSky accidentally deleted my device, so I lost the history from when I got better UV readings.

Did you try rebooting the unit. My rain sensor stoped responding and a reboot fixed it.

Here is what it should look like:

I turned it it off and then on with the power button. That had no effect. Is there another way to reboot the device?

Nope that’s it. Time to contact Bloomsky.

Mine finaally came. Please ad me to your favorites.

Station name : Hopetown


Mine finally shipped :grin:!! I’m supposed to get it tomorrow. I’ll post my station when it comes in!

If anyone here is moving to Indigo, I’m very interested in seeing a device plug-in for Bloomsky in Indigo.

But the WUnderground plug-in works for me for now. Which is good, because my Bloomsky is dead in my dining room at the moment.

BloomSky just sent me an RMA.

Has anyone replaced a station and successfully kept their followers?

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If you have the solar panel you need to unplug it first then reboot. I had a similar problem and rebooted a dozen times with no luck. Support told me to unplug then reboot. ( you can plug it back in after its up and running) All is well now.
Hope that works

Checked out my BS yesterday and saw that a lot of the little gold/brass dots on the water sensor have corroded and turned green. Only 2 months old.

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