Hello! New refuge from Vera here. I’m slowly but surely getting SmartThings working for me.
I have a light above my stairs. I have a WS15Z at the bottom of my stairs, and a WT00Z at the top (I actually have TWO sets for two different stairs). With Vera in the web interface I assigned the WT00Z to a group, and I could turn on/off the stairway light with either switch. Push top: On. Push bottom: Off. I think the second floor stairs was group 1, the first floor group 2.
I can’t do that with SmartThings. What I HAVE done: I had SmartThings discover all the switches. Then I did an association that has the WT00Z turning off (and "turn off as well) the WS15Z.
This… Kind of works? The WS15Z turns on and off the light, as it should.
But the WT00Z - it will turn OFF the light if the light is ON. But if the light is OFF, I have to press the bottom of the paddle (off) and then press the top (on) to turn it on. It’s a bit annoying and not meeting the spouse test.
In reading these forums, it looks like some people have used a Minimote to achieve this. I don’t mind buying one if it will help me achieve what I want, but, am I right in assuming that I’ll use the Minimote to associate the WT00Z and the WS15Z, and then the Minimote will effectively just sit in a drawer somewhere (because I don’t tend to use remotes for anything)? Again, if I can achieve what I want, that’s fine, I just want to know for sure.
You used to have to use the minimote, but now you can just use the community – created “Z wave tweaker”. to set associations for any mains powered Z wave device. It’s very cool.
You will just temporarily assigned your device to the Z wave tweaker device type handler. That will expose all the configurable parameters, including the association groups.
Set the configuration the way you want, then switch back to your regular DTH and everything should work fine. You no longer need to buy an additional device.
Oh great thanks!!! I’m seriously inexperienced at any of this (so, what’s DTH stand for?) so I’m going to have to really read and study all of this. But every new thing learned… Is a new thing learned!
Hehe wow @JDRoberts I’ve been reading, studying, and learning for a couple days now! Thanks for the resources! There’s SO MUCH to sort through! I’ll figure it out though - the information is there, it’s just a matter of me separating it!
Oh my aching head. I’ve done… Things. I’m sorry @JDRoberts but I may need a little hand-holding. I’m working on this, and also getting a smart app for my alarm system set up, and it’s all code stuff that I’ve never done, and I’m frustrated and distracted, and now I’m a bit lost.
I clicked each one as I was directed. But I’m not quite sure what to DO with all that information. Anyway, I guess I’m up to the actual “DO IT!” part… but I’m so overwhelmed… I need to associate, and I need to select… one of the switches (the one that I want to turn the other switch on? The actual other switch?) and give it a group? Or a hexadecimal?
I KNOW I can do this, but I REALLY could use a good slap in the face and some help.
Ask for tweaker help in the tweaker thread. Since I rely on text to speech, I can’t really help with any of the detailed code parts.
But as a general guideline, the zwave association settings are set in the trigger device so it will know which messages to send to which target devices when.
The target devices just respond to the basic commands which are sent, they don’t care which trigger Device sent it.