Hello! I am shiny new at SmartThings and the coding for it. I’m a Vera Plus refugee. I have my SmartThings humming along pretty well, and now I could use some help.
I have two locations in my home that were using three way switches: My stairway has a light, and two switches that control it: at the stair bottom, and at the top. I also have an upstairs hallway light, controlled by two switches, one at each end of the hallway.
I replaced the bottom stairway switch with a (all switches mentioned are Linear Go Control) WS15Z-1, and the top stairway switch with a WT00Z-1.
I replaced the switch at one end of my upstairs hall with a WS15Z-1, and the other end of the hall with a WT00Z-1.
With Vera, I could go into the Stairway WT00z-1, enter a “1” in “add Group”, and then select the Stairway WS15Z-1. I could then do the same with the Upstairs Hall switch, except I’d use a “2” in the “add Group” field.
Now, I have SmartThings! I tried an automation having the WT00Z-1 turn on and off the WS15Z-1, but it doesn’t work properly. It will turn OFF the light if the light is ON. But if the light is OFF, I have to press the bottom of the paddle (off) and then press the top (on) to turn it on. It’s a bit annoying and not meeting the spouse test.
I posted in the Devices & Integrations/Connected Things forum, where @JDRoberts introduced and linked me to Z Wave Tweaker.
I’m up to my elbows in it, and I feel like I’m way over my head. I could use some hand-holding and guidance.
I have followed the instructions to install Z-Wave Tweaker as shown in this link: https://github.com/codersaur/SmartThings#device-handler-installation-procedure
Now I’m back here https://github.com/codersaur/SmartThings/tree/master/devices/zwave-tweaker
On my WT00Z-1 Stairway switch it says tweaker, and I can go in and see all the Scan and Print tiles, and I pressed them as instructed, and I saw the information…
Now I’m up to "Creating Device Associations and I’m on step 2, where I’m to input the ID of the target group, and fill in members… But I don’t understand what to DO. Where does the target group ID COME from? And what members? And on the page with all the tiles, my “Sync Pending” button is orange?
I’m sure it’s something simple that I’m missing (be sure to ask me about not having my security alarm show up for a week because I was using a wrong IP address) but I’m so stuffed full of information that I’m just spinning my wheels.
If someone could just tell me what to do, what to enter, and then why… I’d truly appreciate it.