None from your list.
I can replicate the problem now with the alpha, beta and production version of the driver…
2:45 am here. See you tomorrow.
None from your list.
I can replicate the problem now with the alpha, beta and production version of the driver…
2:45 am here. See you tomorrow.
This is the most exciting upgrade I’ve ever received!
I had an extremely complex patchy hack to use my Aqara presence sensors with Smart things (through virtual switches and Google home routines).
Everything works flawlessly now. I didn’t even need to remove my devices on Aqara’s app. I was able to automatically add them to ST after the update.
My only issue is using multiple Zone presence conditions in a single ST routine. I can only add one zone in a routine.
So if I need to say: if someone is in Zone 1 or if someone is in Zone 2 then do some action. I have to do some hacky way (i.e. use a virtual switch which copies the presence sensor Zone 2 status and use the switch instead of the presence sensor directly).
Why can’t I use a complex logic with multiple Zones in a routine? Is this the driver’s limitations?
Adding the first zone condition works well:
Adding a second condition for the same presence sensor doesn’t show the “Presence of people by zone” option anymore:
I have a similar setup but with Google mesh. It seems like the great people here are working on it.
Edit: obsolete!
Yesterday I told you how to install and test the beta driver. Please do this now:
This driver works for me as you can see:
Edit: obsolete!
Report back.
Working fine with me Eero Pro 6e system and my SmartThings Station
That’s an interesting detail…
for more info, looks like it is currently on firmware 54.13
For reference I am using the aeotech ST hub and Google mesh version 2.
I’ll try tonight after work thanks.
See my comment above!
Test the latest driver linked above. I can confirm that it works.
Pretty sure you won’t be able to delete and add the device again in the current state of the driver. Yours is from before some major changes were made and even the version number you see doesn’t have to reflect what is actually, currently running on your hub. LAN devices are a bit special…
I have a theory why it still works on your hub. The credentials are saved rather persistent in fields…
Fixes were fast tracked into production:
To clarify this is what I need to do?
Edit: Nope.
When I click the link it will not enroll on my hub. It will do this for a few minutes then go back to the enroll button.
Channel was deleted an hour ago.
The fixed driver is now in production, that means it will reach your hub in a few hours (up to 24).
I’ll check if it can be enforced. It sometimes works when you just delete all the Aqara FP2 drivers but that’s not guaranteed. I’ll try it for myself later.
You could just wait a few hours…
Ill circle back tomorrow.
I got it to connect no effort just via search nearby. Thanks great work guys.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Hub keeps disconnecting (November 2024)
I used a tabled without Work profile. Security seems to have an impact.