Anyone's Zigbee bulbs wake them up this morning?

There was a new Sengled Element touch firmware pushed this morning that turned on my wife’s bedside lamp and woke me up at 4:20 this morning. Thankfully it didn’t wake her up, but since my heart rate was going, thinking I’d been hacked at first, I couldn’t get back to sleep.

Then I checked the logs and saw the light was powered on at 4:15am and there was new firmware log entry at 4:19. I just checked the logs now and it says the firmware started at 12:59am. That’s a long flash.

I don’t think this is the first time this has happened either. I’ve just never bothered to check the logs.

I just checked my other Sengled lights and they took about the same amount of time, they just started at more reasonable times or were in a spot that wouldn’t wake me.

Why would the firmware process not leave the bulb in the last state, and let users sleep?? And if it’s a bulb firmware update, figure out a way for the user to initiate it. I don’t remember asking for this update. Perhaps I did turn them on, but I thought they’d be unnoticeable.

I see the warning at the bottom of this page: and there’s one when you enable the Allow OTA setting, but it needs to warn users about the random times.

Why can’t there be “Allow manual OTA for lights”, “Allow OTA for Lights only when they’re on” or “Allow OTA for Lights with immediate power-off”?

One of the downsides of smart bulbs is that when they lose power, they often revert to on when the electricity is restored.

I’m just guessing that when a new firmware is pushed to these bulbs, they go through some kind of reset that’s analogous to the power being cut and restored.

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