Very basic thermostat that sells for $67.50. Then again, if a thermostat is integrated properly into an ST ecosystem, what’s the need for vast on-board programmability? Isn’t plain old temp-setting enough, or am I missing something?
Yes ST can indeed take over the Thermostat automation. There will be some cases where you will need a SMartPP for some sort of special setting. But, you are generally right,
SmartThings is a cloud service, so understand that if the connection is lost, that the thermostat will not be adjusted until the hub reconnects.
So that might alone be a reason to have some intelligence in the thermostat
Got it. Makes sense. Thx, Edward.
You are very welcome. The community here is pretty good, actually once of the best that I have seen on the internet in relation to a service or company.
I ended up ordering a 2gig CT100. Only a few bucks more, and has some on-board programmability.
Let me know how that works out for you. I am interested in that one myself
I will indeed post my experience.
I have a 2gig CT100 myself and it works very well with ST.
I ordered then cancelled CT100 just because my heater presently does not have any thermostat. How would it communicate with the heater system ? ( Is wiring compulsory or any other component I can order to avoid this ?
Thank you,